
apple hill.

We took the drive to apple hill on monday. It's the greatest. Pick your own apples and yummy treats for everyone. I can't wait to get going on some goodies...apple cinnamon rolls, and mom plans on making apple butter...mmm. Autumn is back after a brief break for snow, hehe. If y'all do halloween, please be safe tonight. I personally am not a fan of this holiday..so I'm hiding out at youth group! But again, be safe! Please :)

xoxo, Ruthanne


stop this train.

Today was fairly unproductive. I procrastinated, thought about my favorite lyrics, and then got creative with them.

I think I shall transfer the "official" and "final" design onto tracing paper and scan it to my computer to do something with in photoshop. 

on another note, though, will someone stop this train?

Stop this train
I want to get off and go home again
I can't take the speed it's moving in
I know I can't but honestly won't someone stop this train

So scared of getting older
I'm only good at being young ♥


opposition, grace + perseverance

Good morning, friends. I have a touchy post for you today...I debated whether it would be appropriate or not to post about it, but I felt that it was something I needed to talk about, and some people might find encouraging and thought provoking all at the same time. 

I recently posted this on my personal facebook.
"I'm pretty over the whole "why aren't you going to college?" question. So from now on, my standard answer will be: "I want to be a Disney princess, meet my Prince Charming, and live happily ever after with 3-5 children." What's funny is that it isn't so very far from reality."
You would not believe the controversy that one little status created. I got relatively encouraging feedback from some of my mom's friends and a few of mine, too. But then came the one that was absurd.
"You should go to college if you have the opportunity to go learn something. Don't be an idiot."
Whoa, there, 'pardner. Yeah, that actually happened, coming from a grown man. I did my best to hold my tongue and I responded quite politely. 
"I honestly have always wanted to be a wife and mother. I have no interest in going to school for another 4-8 years. I plan on junior college, but I don't think college dictates success. Some kids want to be brain surgeons and lawyers, I want to be a mom."
This created quite the discussion; err...debate. The guy who told me not to be an "idiot" wrote me two novels about why I was making the wrong decision about not going to a four year school. In these responses, he informed me that my desire not to go to school is "self-centered, defensive, and selfish". He told me that "real men" want women with skills...
"a proverbs 31 wife, WORKS HER A** off. She is skilled and deliberate. Focused, KNOWLEDGABLE, and wise. She is her husbands crown. She can do real estate, farm, knit, weave, cook, saw, build, start a business, run a business, run a household etcccc....[cont to end of comment] real men like girls with skills, Bow hunting skills, staff skills, navigation skills, GUYS like girls with skills.... PERIOD!"
And this is where I began to cry. Maybe it was just hormones and me pms-ing, but I literally began to cry. This man, a leader in my church, thought that 1.) it was appropriate to "call out" a 17 year old girl on facebook, 2.) he knew me well enough to pass such harsh judgement in such a public form, and 3.) it was his place to reprimand me in such a way.
The post I made was meant to be funny; lighthearted. It was meant to lend a smile to a few people. It was intended to be witty and silly. But he didn't take it that way.
"BTW.... We live in the world not in disney fairly tale land. Pull your head out and come back to reality."
The sting of his words is still present. As I read over the comments he made, and the ones others made supporting me, I am brought back to previous emotions. It angers me, and it's hurtful that he felt so strongly about it to be so bold on facebook, but that I know he wouldn't be able to tell me any of that in person. I want to cry again, too, because how dare anyone tell me that I will not be a good wife and mother without a college education. And I feel bad, all at the same time, for not responding fully in grace, and still harboring some feelings of anger.

This man and I have no real relationship. Our conversations have been few and far between. He doesn't know anything about me, my life, or the things I can do. So why did it hurt so badly? 

I have spent the past 6-7 years of my life preparing myself for being a skillful woman; a proverbs 31 woman. I have always loved being creative, but knowing that it pleases the Lord fueled it even more. I created this blog as a place to share some of it because it seemed very few people around me cared about my passions; but that didn't matter after I met all of you.

I have spent countless hours and days seeking to learn skills that will benefit my household someday. Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to work towards being the best wife and mother I can be someday. A proverbs 31 woman isn't perfect; she makes mistakes, and the Lord is glorified in them. Too many people get caught up in the skills she possesses instead of the heart she has. Myself included.

There will always be people who disapprove of what we do, even those within the church. And it's okay; I am relatively glad he and I had the dispute we did, because it caused me to really define (to myself) what it is I'm headed for, and what my goals are for the next phase of my life. I recently updated my about section, and towards the end I said this:
"I can't wait to meet my Prince Charming - and while I know I have a ways to go, this is the documentation of my journey. Uncovering my identity in Him. Discovering grace. And preparing myself for whatever He calls me to next. Life after high school and before marriage."
That's what this next phase is. Life after high school and before marriage. I intend to make the very most of it, too, by golly!

But I won't back down about not going to college; I do not feel called to a four year school right now. If He calls me later, I'll go. I might fight it for a while,  and I probably won't like it at first, but I'll go.

Ultimately, when we get to heaven and stand before the Lord, I'm pretty sure he's not going to be concerned with how many degrees we have, or how many A's we received in school. 

It will not matter what we accomplish, but rather, who we have influenced. 

Thanks for reading all of this, if you made it that far. I know I kind of ranted, but you're wonderful for enduring it. I made the following graphic for y'all...remember this always; say it to yourself daily. You are a daughter of the King. No matter what filth you are covered in; no matter what wrong decisions you make, you are lovely; and loved by Him. College or no college, mother or not, imperfect and broken; you are always lovely to the King.

xoxo, Ruthanne


senior portraits (round one!)

Hi y'all! Oh my goodness. I received my disk of senior portraits in the mail yesterday, and I am beyond ecstatic about them. Miss Kayleigh did an amazing job on them. There are almost 60 that she sent over, but I picked 12 of my 24 favorites to share with you today! I'm struggling to feel okay posting even just 12 of them...so many pictures of me! haha. Borderline awkward, but whatever, right? You're only a senior once, better live it up...or something like that. Kayleigh, thank you soooo much for the amazing job you did! You captured my personality so well, I can't even handle it. Bunches of hugs to you! (and you sweet family for tagging along too!)

So, tell me what y'all think? Which one(s) are your favorites? I am in love with the bottom left hand one - the suitcases, my boots...grandpa's camera. Absolutely wonderful. I love the tops ones too...and the yellow chair...and. Okay. I really can't pick a favorite, who are we kidding!!

xoxo, Ruthanne


pretty in pink manicure + a discussion

Gooood afternoon, lovely friends! I have a fun little manicure to share with you today. Fun, girly, pink, but still totally perfect for autumn and all it's glory. xoxo!

Main color - "undercover" by wet n' wild
Glitter - essie luxeffects " a cut above"

Couple side notes, for those of you wondering how you can justify an $8-$9 bottle of nail polish...

you can't.

It's a luxury. gas (at least where I live) is about $4.50 a gallon, (lets not even talk about diesel - $5.19 in town last week, ouch) and a .48oz bottle of nail polish is $8.79. It's just wrong. I splurged on two bottles of essie this week and honestly, had to close my eyes when I handed over the $16 to the lady at the register. But I told myself it was okay, this is one of those things you really only get to do when you don't have a husband to reprimand you. Yay for being 17! 

Moving on, though..

 I've experimented with the expensive brands and not so expensive, and I can tell you, there's nothing wrong with the $1.99 bottles of wet n' wild polish. If you do it right, they can and will last just as long as essie, and while there aren't as many color choices, the ones you do have are pretty rad. 

Regardless of what brand you buy though, watch the sales! The CVS where I live has awesome sales all the time. This week they had $.79 off of essie polishes, and buy one get one for all wet n' wild products. I took advantage of both, and got two pretty pinks from wet n' wild and two glitter polishes from essie, which are the only ones I really like. I'm really picky about glitter top coats, therefore, I will search and splurge on those. But considering my manicures only last about 5-6 days before I start picking at them, or I chip them, $2 a bottle doesn't bug me. And, long lasting isn't exactly my main concern. However, it can be done. I've had a wet n' wild manicure last me 10 days. *cue gasps*

Start with a clear base coat. My favorite is sally hansen hard as nails. Let it dry, and paint a thin coat of your main polish over top of it. Let it dry. Paint one more coat, slightly thicker, but just enough to create solid, consistent color, and let it dry. If you're doing an accent nail covered in glitter like I did above, skip the second coat and just paint the glitter - otherwise it'll be way too thick. Paint a thin layer of your base/top coat polish, let dry, and bam! there you go. Reapply the top coat every couple days for a longer lasting manicure.

I hate to be one of those bloggers to discuss nail polish in depth, and I'm sorry I went there, but it's necessary! You don't have to spend upwards of $8 for a bottle of polish. One of the points to doing your own nails is to save money! So. Try it out. Give it a whirl. Here are my favorite colors from wet n' wild right now, and similar colors from essie.

Wet n Wild MegaLast Salon Nail Color, Candy-licious 209CEssie Nail Color - Movers ShakersWet n Wild MegaLast Salon Nail Color, Sugar Coat 205BEssie Nail Color - Mademoiselle
candy-licious, movers shakers || sugar coat, mademoiselle 
Wet n Wild MegaLast Salon Nail Color, Undercover206CEssie Nail Color - Demure Vixen Wet n Wild MegaLast Salon Nail Color, Tropicalia 210CEssie Nail Color - Your Hut Or Mine
undercover; demure vixen || tropicalia, your hut or mine
Wet n Wild MegaLast Salon Nail Color, Wet Cement 201CEssie Essie Nail Polish  - Don't Sweater ItWet n Wild MegaLast Salon Nail Color, I Need a Refresh-Mint 218AEssie Nail Color - Mint Candy Apple
wet cement; don't sweater it || i need a refresh-mint; mint candy apple

Here's to inspiring america to give thrifty manicures a whirl, saving money, and blogging about the finer things in life...nail polish.

xoxo, Ruthanne


that time it snowed in october.

you read the title right. you're not going crazy.

this is what I woke up to this morning.

winter wonderland....in October. makes sense, I know. 

on top of that, the power was out..lovely, isn't it?

even though it's only October, there's something wonderful about the first snow.

everyone gets settled into their houses, the smell of wood stoves burning in the neighborhood fill the air, and hot cocoa becomes part of the daily routine.

the snow will be gone by next week; I know, but it's nice for a few days to have a little taste of winter.


pumpkin cinnamon rolls


I something amazing happened on Sunday...I made pumpkin cinnamon rolls.

In case you're unaware of the sheer glory I'm referring to, I'll say it again.

I made pumpkin cinnamon rolls.

Are we on the same page yet? I do hope so!

So here's the deal. It's like, super easy, and they're like, super delicious. And it's all thanks to the wonderful Jen over at Beantown Baker, who's recipe was adapted from a pumpkin bread recipe. I tweaked her recipe, too, a bit. So. Here it is, are you ready?

4 1/2 cups bread flour
1 Tbsp instant yeast
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt 
2 eggs
1 3/4 cups pumpkin puree
4 Tbsp butter

1 1/2 cup light brown sugar
3 Tbsp ground cinnamon
3 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ground allspice
1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
1/8 tsp salt
1 Tbsp melted butter

4 oz cream cheese, at room temp
2 cups powdered sugar
vanilla to taste
optional: butter and spices

(from Jen)
Mix the flour, yeast, spices, sugar, and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook. In a large measuring cup, lightly beat the eggs and whisk in the pumpkin and butter. With the mixer on low speed, gradually add the liquid ingredients. Continue mixing on medium-low until the dough is elastic and supple, about 8 minutes. You may need to add a little more flour or water to get the correct consistency – soft but not sticky.

Transfer the dough to an oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap or a damp dishtowel. Set the dough aside to rise until it has doubled in volume, about 1 1/2 hours.

Make the filling by combining the filling ingredients in a small bowl. Set aside.

Grease two 8" round pans. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Using a serrated knife, cut the dough in half. 

Set half of the dough aside and roll the other half into a large rectangle around 16"x12". Spread half of the filling onto the dough and roll into a log starting with the long side nearest to you. You may need to use some warm water to seal the edge of the dough. Slice the log into 8 pieces. Repeat with other piece of dough.

Cover with plastic wrap and let rise 1.5-2 hours.

To serve now: Preheat oven to 350. Bake cinnamon rolls 25-30 minutes until lightly browned. 

To freeze and serve later: Preheat oven to 325. Bake cinnamon rolls for 15 minutes. Let the buns cool complete in the pan. When they are completely cooled, cover and freeze. 

When you are ready to serve the buns, place buns in the fridge to thaw out overnight. The next morning, preheat oven to 350. Bake until buns are light brown, about 20 minutes. 


To make the frosting, cream the cream cheese with the whisk attachment of your mixer for a good 2-3 minutes. Add in powdered sugar til you get the desired consistency. Add vanilla to taste - I recommend 1/2 - 1 whole teaspoon. If you want a more buttery frosting, add in 2-3 tbs of room temperature butter with the cream cheese. You can also add some spices to it too. Whatever you feel like!

I made the rolls Sunday night. I put them in the fridge overnight, and took them out 30 minutes prior to baking to let them "warm up" a bit. I put them under our heat lamps, which I realize not everyone has - so you go with your gut on what to do. But. They turned out marvelously, and rose perfectly. 

Let me know if you make them, and let me know how much you love them! 

xoxo, Ruthanne


an aspen grove.

This is one of the largest aspen groves in California. Isn't it lovely? Magical, almost.

xoxo, ruthanne


....I got bangs!

I took the plunge and did it...I got bangs yesterday! I've been wanting them again for a while, and I knew now is the time to do them. Fall/winter when I have the time to style them. What do y'all think? I love them! For now, at least. I have a feeling it won't last forever - I love long hair and being able to do anything with it. But for a month or so, they're a nice change. My hair grows so fast anyway, so I'm not worried about it too much :) 


obsessing over....

...disney princesses. all of them. all the time. everyday. I know, a little extreme. but seriously, guys? I'm in love with all of them. I found all of these super neat posters from this site here. aren't they cool? what are you obsessing over lately?

Beauty and the Beast by citronvert79
The Little Mermaid by afinefrenzy
Beauty and the Beast by the_wonderlander
Tangled by Clarneesha Fuller
Sleeping Beauty by Sam Novak
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Leon
Cinderella by AFineFrenzy
Tangled by Mads Hindhede
Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs by andonismoushis
Tangled by Mario Aragon


psalm 92:4

did you sing for joy today? what was a blessing of the day? I've had a pretty rough 24 hours. this sweet reminder upstairs in our entryway was the perfect pick me up. 

xo, Ruthanne


monday + a picture.

today was lovely...chilly, but lovely. I wore a polka-dotted scarf, and the air was brisk. I'm about to go make myself a chai latte and put away my school for the day. happy monday, lovely friends.


autumn + a bit of a catch up.

I babysat for 4 and a half hours today. The little girl took a few pictures of me for fun. I posted this on to instagram earlier as my day 6 photo for the FatMumSlim photo-a-day challenge, which is "I'm thankful for...", because sweet kids taking silly pictures is precious.

In other news...

Autumn is here. Officially. The air has changed. The chills have arrived. And the roads are full of pine needles, creating mini-barriers in the middle of the road. 

Sandals are being put away, and scarves are being brought out. 

Us locals are dying to enjoy our beautiful home before winter makes its appearance and the tourists invade each weekend, increasing the population by 50% at times. 

As I sat on the deck of the home where I was babysitting today, I picked up pine-nuts laying on the hard ground and ate them as the kids played....it may sound silly, but there is nothing better than fresh pine-nuts as a quick breeze is blowing through the trees.

Our winters generally show up at the end of October...but they're saying it's going to snow on Monday and/or Tuesday. I'm praying it's not true...I want to enjoy these few weeks of autumn while they're here.

I'm leading worship tomorrow morning at church. Hopefully it goes well, since 3 of my band-members bailed.

And after that, I get to go to one of my favorite places ever to get my senior portraits taken. It's a little pathetic how much I'm stressing about outfits...but I have new cowgirl boots, which makes it a little easier, actually. 


Aren't they adorable? Best birthday present ever.

Well. I'm going to try and whip up a disneyland re-cap this week, hopefully. I'm off to eat some dinner and top it off with a pumpkin spice cupcake...enjoy your evening, sweet friends.


nancy drew + iphone 5

Once upon a time, I became the proud owner of an iPhone 5. She was beautiful, and we were fast friends. Between her bigger display, incredibly lightweight and sleek frame, and her improved front camera, it was obvious this friendship would last a while.

I knew she needed a case to protect her...to keep her safe. I racked my brain for the possibilities. I thought of getting the same case I had for my previous iPhone to fit the iPhone 5. But I decided that was too...blah. So I thought. And despite my love for vintage floral designs, I just didn't love any of the cases I saw.

Then. It hit me. Like a ton of bricks.

I could make my own case. It could be one-of-a-kind. And it could feature my favorite person ever...Nancy Drew.


And this is what happened. I created my very own Nancy Drew iPhone case...and it came today. It is beyond perfect.

I have a feeling the three of us will live happily ever after, what do you think?