
so this is what having a best friend is like.

Hello, sweet friends.

How are you all? I hope this post finds you well. 

I have so much to tell you all about my trip to Texas - but I have to sit down and sort it all out first. I thought though, that today I would share one of my favorite photos from my time with miss Rebekah in Texas.

The picture just says it all. It so describes us...her converse and my boots...baseball game, sitting next to each other laughing about how adorable the players are and becoming irritated with the game's score. It felt so normal.

I know a lot of people wonder what it's like to have a best friend that you never see, and have never spent much time with. I think we've spent a total of about 16 days together over the past three years. Not really much time at all. But whenever people ask if it's awkward or weird when we see each other...I always smile and say "nope. It feels like we do it all the time."

And it's so true.

Her mom picked me up from the airport and we met her at Chuy's - and she was waiting in the parking lot, and the second I saw her my heart skipped a beat and I was out of the car before Momma had it in the spot. I ran to her and we just stood there, hugging each other, crying. 

My heart was at home.

There are truly no words to describe such a feeling. You have to experience it. 

I can't tell you how many times last week we just looked at each other and said "I can't get over how normal this is.." and "so this is what it's like to have a best friend." 

I'm so thankful, so full, and so sad to be away from her, once again. 

Until next time,



  1. oh man i have always wanted to see texas!! it just looks fun with good food.

    1. It's pretty awesome! I loved it. I love my mountains here at home, of course, but I could live in Texas if I had to! :) By the way - did you ever receive my email about winning the giveaway? I want to send you your prize! :) hope you are well!

  2. Ruthanne, is it just me, or do your photos never show up?! There is just a blank box with a little red x in the corner! It makes me sad :(

    I am glad you had a great time with Bekah! Love you ladies. Btw I sent you my story in an email :)

  3. Same for me there is never a picture.
