
sleepovers, weddings and cowboy boots, oh my!

Greetings...lets hope I can write this post before I collapse...ha! Oh, the weekends are always so random for me. They're either crazy hectic or boring beyond all compare...this weekend was not boring...but I guess I still have one more day left, huh...anyway.

Friday night my friend Rachel came over! I rarely have friends over so it was a treat and super fun! We had hamburgers for dinner, and then...then...oh man. Then I cut her hair! Oh my gosh. It was so scary....She had me cut her bangs, and they're adorable, but oh man. I was so scared! After that we did the typical sleepover stuff...ya know, movies, nails, popcorn, ice cream. Yum ;)

The next morning we both had to work a wedding for the sister of one of our youth leaders. Twas fun, indeed. We were exhausted though, afterwards.

Then along came Sunday morning. Ah, I love Sundays, no matter what we do. We decided this time though, that since my dad and brother were both gone, we'd head down the hill to Roseville. Now, I am definitely a small town girl, and always will be, but I do love the city, to an extent. The funniest part though is that Roseville is like a legit city to me, and it's not even that big! Go figure.

We visited family; grandparents and cousins, the whole enchilada, ya know, that stuff. My aunt is engaged to the coolest guy ever, I mean really, he's awesome. Such a character. It's hard not to love him. Plus, his kids are named Attikus and Anakin. Like, what's not amazing about that?? Ha!

Then this morning rolled around and we had a lot to do. We started out at a giant Goodwill in Roseville that turned out to be a bust. They had virtually no vintage anything. It was sad. I was sad. It made my day sad. After that, we needed to go to TjMaxx where I bought a new purse [cutest thing ever, pictures will come later], and a few birthday gifts for my million friends.

Have you ever been to Panera Bread before? Well, I hadn't. I'd heard crazy things about it before but never been. We went today. Oh my gosh I fell in freaking love. Legit. Sooo yummy! After that though, it was a stressful evening. I had to get home to worship practice at 4. My mom wanted to stop in two school stores. *cue "ohhhh no"'s*.


The life and times of Ruthanne's mom [series 1, episode 1]
Heidi stepped from the car, her feet hitting the blacktop. I gulped. "Oh no, here we go again..." She took one step, two, three, four, and so on, getting closer and closer to the store. Oh, the store, the dreaded store. Complete heaven for my mother, complete intoxication. Life as we knew it was about to change. I watched as she reached the storefront, and opened the door, pausing dramatically as if to take it all in. My sister looked at me and looked at me with those puppy dog eyes, seeming to say "someone save us..." Ten minutes passed, twenty, thirty. I was getting impatient. We needed to go. Another ten minutes passed and she still didn't show. Jesse had to pee. Oh no, oh no, oh no I thought. I don't think she understood the urgency of the situation....Then she came, darting out of the store, running, dodging people in the parking lot. The heavens opened, angels sang, harps and trumpets played, then she was there, loading her two bags of stuff into the back, and off we were. The day wasn't totally ruined...this time....


The rest of my evening has been delightful though, Daddy's finally home. I missed him! What did you do this weekend??

1 comment:

  1. Another serious amazing blog post!!
    Loved it. Very creative.
    Hmm...This weekend I was in the pool and enjoying the serious hot weather...and trying to get my music to play louder than the annoying rap music blaring next door. :P
    Anywho, great post!
