
in 24 days..


In just 24 days, I'm going to be in Texas...with my best friend...probably eating something full of chocolate and calories and giggling, talking about nothing in particular. 

Twenty. Four. Days. 

What is this madness!?!

I was thinking that since y'all haven't seen enough of her on this blog (but really), I would post a few pictures of us a week leading up to March 8th...and #1 is.....

This is about 10 minutes after we first met. We were kind of crazy excited.

If you haven't read our story yet, you can go here, and get caught up!

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog off LaurenConrad.com's forum! I'm your newest follower and excited to see your upcoming posts
    XO Courtney
    Follow me back at www.unpredictableandchic22.blogspot.com
