
8 days.

I can't believe it. In just 8 days, I'm going to be in Texas with my sister. I am honestly beyond excited. I can't describe how it feels to you. 

The only people who can really understand the way it feels are the ones who've been through the same thing. When one of the people you cherish the most is so very far away from you all the time, the little moments you get together are so, so special.

The other day I overheard someone complaining about it being two weeks since she saw her best friend. I chuckled and muttered "try 10 months." I don't have a chip on my shoulder about it, though. God has blessed us both so much and taught both of us so much just by us being 2200 miles apart - our friendship is based on more than simply having a sidekick. It's about loving each other through prayer and encouragement. 

You'd think , that since we've only ever spent a total of about 8 days together over the course of our friendship, that we wouldn't know each other's body language and facial expressions and vocal cues, but man oh man, it's quite the opposite. 

In other news, I ordered an iPad Mini this morning to (hopefully) have for my trip. Any suggestions for graphic design apps, creative apps, etc? Oh, and any book suggestions? I'm not taking much on the plane so I want to be able to keep myself busy!

Happy thursday, sweet friends!

xoxo, Ruthanne


  1. I just finally finished Room by Emma Donoghue - it was outstanding.

    I am definitely feeling the things you are feeling right now. I'm headed back to see Mark on Monday and I could explode w/ excitement. I also know about missing best friends since when I'm with Mark - I'm missing everyone at home. I can't win haha.

    So very excited for you!!!

  2. My sister is Louisiana while I'm in NC. I 100% feel your pain!! Have the best time together!
