
mentally allergic.

Just got done with a two hour face time date with my best friend. She said this. So obviously I had to do something about it in photoshop. duh. It's so true though. 

xoxo, Ruthanne


life lately.

Tonight is one of those when I want to simply stop time for a second. 

So many things are happening right now and I just want a minute to step back and breathe. Sit at the piano and play...sing and worship without worrying about what's coming next. Here's what's been going on in my life lately.

Only a few more months of school.

There's someone special in my life and I don't even know how that happened. But he's kind of great. And I think he's going to be around for a while...or more. I'll give y'all a teaser. He's tall :) 

Some friendships are enduring tough times, while others are flourishing more than ever before.

I got a car. Kind of. 

I'm looking at a worship schools still and legitimately discussing moving with two of my best friends. Eek.

I realized that this year is probably the last one I will spend with my family as their child. Next year is adulthood. How?

I bought this pink coat. And I'm really excited about it. Don't know why, but a bright pink coat for the cold winter days makes me happy.

Our nanny is moving away. And I am so sad about it. Even though my parents hired her to take care of the littles, she's been like a big sister to me this past year. And I am so thankful for the time we've spent.

I can't believe Christmas is almost here. Time to start shopping and blessing those I love. So exciting!

I spent all of Friday night throwing my guts up from the flu. Still haven't fully gotten my strength back..but hey, what an easy way to ditch 5 pounds, huh?

I'm playing guitar more and more. Writing again, finally. Inspiration is back. 

Even though the future is terrifying me right now, I can't wait for what the Lord is about to do in my life. 

xoxo, Ruthanne


happy thanksgiving, y'all.

Hey everyone. Just wanted to pop in and wish y'all a happy thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for, and I hope you counted your blessings today too! I'm thankful for each and every one of you lovely readers! Here are just a few of the things I'm thankful for.

little sisters who want to match.
little brothers who like to laugh.
a daddy who loves me.
a full plate of food.
homemade pumpkin pie.

what are y'all thankful for?

xoxo, Ruthanne


senior sitting.

Good evening, lovely friends ♥

You may be wondering where it is I've been this past week..

Well, a gal from my church had knee surgery on the 7th. Her name is Mavis, and she's about 75 years old. She loves all of us "young things" at church. She lives alone in a great big house at the top of a mountain. Two months ago when I first found out about her surgery, I offered to stay with her while she was recovering, and so that's what I've been doing all week. Senior sitting ;)

Oh my goodness, y'all, it has been an absolute blast. She says things like "I about had a kitten!" and "make sure to set that gadget so you'll get up in the morning!" She wears bright pink lipstick and loves jelly beans. We've had such a good time, I haven't had time to post at all! 

We have made so many meals it's absurd. We laugh a lot, too. I cleaned her pantry on Thursday. We had four of my friends who live up the street over for dinner last night and I made dinner and two pies for them! She has so many cool vintage gadgets it's not even funny. I have had such fun. Old people are simple marvelous! 

In other news though, my car battery died today in my driveway. In the pouring freaking rain, y'all. Thankfully I have a vehicle savvy uncle who lives down the street! 

I'm off to watch game shows with Mavis, now, but I'll be back soon, I promise! 



glorious day.

I have no words for this other than wow. I woke up to a canvas of color today. I can't even handle it.

you are good.

This is probably my favorite song right now. I just love it. It's such a great reminder that He is always good when there is never anything good in me. 

Thank you, Lord, for being good in all situations.


snow + sunrises

I took this picture the Sunday morning at church...isn't it lovely? This is the meadow next to our church. The sun was getting settled in the sky and it was a shocking 2ยบ that morning...brr. Winter is here, without even letting Autumn nestle in and stay a while. Sigh. This happens every year, though. I don't know why I'm surprised. Another 5 days of snow are coming our way on Saturday. I'm guess it's going to be a white thanksgiving...and I'm so excited. Not having snow on thanksgiving is a foreign concept to me..ha. 

What is the weather doing where you are right now? I'd love to know! It's so neat how all over the country no one is experiencing the same exact weather!

Hope you all have a lovely day! 


room revamp.

this weekend I decided to give my room a little bit of a revamp. Moved my bed...painted some frames and an "r", and hung some tissue paper balls. This was the outcome. What do you think? I know some of the frames are crooked, but I almost kinda like it. I dunno.

The sheet music on the wall in the first picture isn't done yet. I think I'm going to hang a bunting garland there. Not totally sure yet, though! I've come to the conclusion that simple is wonderful. It's okay to have some blank space, as long as you know how to play with it. 

Happy Monday, friends!

xoxo, Ruthanne


apple cinnamon rolls

Good morning wonderful friends!

Today I have an incredibly delicious (and probably borderline sinful) recipe for you!

Yesterday it was snowing and I decided it was the perfect time to try out a recipe I've been holding onto. Apple cinnamon rolls, y'all!

I adapted this recipe from here. Ready? Here we gooo! You will need:

5 cups of all-purpose flour (separated)
2 cups milk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 packet of active yeast (1/4 oz. or 2 1/4 t)


Apple Filling
3 medium apples, chopped into small cubes (about 1 1/2 - 2 cups chopped)
3/4 cup brown sugar, packed
3 tablespoons ground cinnamon

Cinnamon filling
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

1 cup of butter, melted (2 sticks)

1/2 cup butter, melted (1 stick)
1 1/3 cup of powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

To prepare the dough, heat milk, oil, cane sugar and cinnamon for 5-8 minutes (do not boil). Pour milk into a large mixing bowl and let it reach lukewarm temperatures (to the touch) for about 10 minutes.

Once milk is lukewarm to the touch, sprinkle packet of yeast on top and let it set for one minute. After a minute has passed, pour in four and a half cups of flour and mix until incorporated nicely. Cover bowl with a clean kitchen towel and let dough rise for one hour in a relatively warm area.

After one hour, mix in last 1/2 cup of flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Cover with a kitchen town again while you prepare the filling.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

For the filling, heat up 1 cup of butter and brown it. Be watchful not to burn the butter by looking out for the center of the boiling butter. When the center forms a caramel color quickly remove it from the stove-top and set aside. Then in a small bowl mix apples, brown sugar and cinnamon together. In another bowl mix the cinnamon sugar filling.

Place dough onto a well floured surface and begin to roll it into a thin, long rectangle. I split my dough in half, and ended up getting around 22 rolls from it all. I'd say it varies though, depending on how big and thick you want your rolls to be. 

Once filling components are ready, spoon 1/2 of melted browned butter onto rolled out dough and spread evenly with spoon or pastry brush. Then evenly sprinkle on sugar and cinnamon mixture, followed by chopped apples mixture. Take long end, closest to you, and start to tightly roll dough with filling (try to keep the roll as tight as possible). Once dough and filling has been rolled into a log, pinch the seams shut. Using a sharp knife, slice 1 1/2 inch slices and place into a greased baking pan. be careful not to overcrowd the rolls. I made 9 of mine in a 9" cake pan and the other 13 in a glass pyrex pan. 

Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until lightly golden.

For the frosting, melt 1/2 cup of soft room temperature butter for 20 seconds in the microwave. Remove, and add sugar. Stir well and place in the microwave for another 10 seconds. Remove, and stir vigorously. Add in the maple syrup and vanilla. Keep stirring! Once the frosting has reached a thick consistency, you're golden!

Pour frosting evenly over cinnamon rolls and serve warm.

 And now you can enjoy. These are so delicious - be warned, they may cause you to want to work out. Or not. 

Let me know if you make them - and what you think!

xoxo, Ruthanne


murder mystery + vintage

so I apologize for the lame photo, but it's all I have for proof of my dressing up as the wife of a 1930's circus owner! My youth group had its annual murder mystery dinner last Saturday and man oh man was it a blast! It was a circus themed event; and I was married to the owner. We didn't get a picture though :( Sad sad. Oh well. Colin didn't want proof of it anyways, I'm sure.
Everything, aside from my shoes and sockings was vintag! Ready for the run down?
My dress is a vintage 1950's Anne Fogarty original. (I posted about it previously here)
All of my jewelry is authentic 1930's/1940's costume jewelry. You can only see my necklace in the photo, but I was also wearing some gorgeous earrings and a beautiful bracelet.
And then the fur coat is one of my friend's mom's, and she let me borrow it for the evening.
I also had some really pretty hair clips straight out of the 40's, too! Annnnnd....when I did my hair..
I couldn't help but use my grandma's old set of hot rollers. They work sooo much better than newer sets...and, lets be real. Authenticity is key. Duh.
Anyway, that was my saturday night last weekend! I didn't spend a dime on any part of my costume! It feels good to know that my collection of vintage has finally gotten to the point where I have everything I need for events like this! 
xoxo, Ruthanne


lets talk sparkles + glitter

Okay, y'all. I'm so addicted to glitter it's ridiculous. And pink. And pink glittery things. If it sparkles, chances are I'm in love with it. (note: the exception is vampires. I don't love them. and boys, don't sparkle yourselves and think it's gonna happen...k? k.)

Anyway. That purse, y'all. I'm so in love. it's soooo beautiful. And the scarf. I need to find one like that!

What are you loving right now?

it's monday!

elv's: monday..

hey y'all! so, it's monday. boo. but not so much! it's a beautiful new day and there is a lot to be accomplished!  

happy monday; and don't forget that tomorrow is election day! regardless of your party, please go out and vote! I'm not old enough yet (missed it by a year!!!) but it's an amazing privilege you have; take advantage of it!!

xoxo, Ruthanne 


baby brother is six!

My baby brother turned 6 today! I can't believe it, y'all. He's so precious, I can't believe how fast he's grown up. It's insane.

This picture is from our Apple Hill trip this year - it's the last picture I have with my 5 year old brother! sad!

We celebrated with a camouflage cake and a couple new lego sets! 

Happy birthday, sweet boy! I love you so very very much. Now stop growing up, I can't take it!

xo, Sannie (aka, Ruthanne)

(that was his nickname for me as a baby. totes presh.)


favorite songs right now ♥

hey y'all. thought I'd start this month off with a few of my favorite songs...man. I'm so in love with them ♥

xoxo, Ruthanne

avoiding everything.

I posted this picture to instagram earlier this week...with the caption saying something about avoiding laundry  to cuddle with my kitty instead. 

I've been avoiding everything this week. Like, seriously. It's yucky. I'm feeling quite uninspired right now, and can't tell ya why. Just a dry spell, I suppose. But I've also been sick for almost 3 weeks...so. That's no good either. 

Hopefully I'll regain my bubbly outgoing disposition soon. 

xoxo, Ruthanne