
senior sitting.

Good evening, lovely friends ♥

You may be wondering where it is I've been this past week..

Well, a gal from my church had knee surgery on the 7th. Her name is Mavis, and she's about 75 years old. She loves all of us "young things" at church. She lives alone in a great big house at the top of a mountain. Two months ago when I first found out about her surgery, I offered to stay with her while she was recovering, and so that's what I've been doing all week. Senior sitting ;)

Oh my goodness, y'all, it has been an absolute blast. She says things like "I about had a kitten!" and "make sure to set that gadget so you'll get up in the morning!" She wears bright pink lipstick and loves jelly beans. We've had such a good time, I haven't had time to post at all! 

We have made so many meals it's absurd. We laugh a lot, too. I cleaned her pantry on Thursday. We had four of my friends who live up the street over for dinner last night and I made dinner and two pies for them! She has so many cool vintage gadgets it's not even funny. I have had such fun. Old people are simple marvelous! 

In other news though, my car battery died today in my driveway. In the pouring freaking rain, y'all. Thankfully I have a vehicle savvy uncle who lives down the street! 

I'm off to watch game shows with Mavis, now, but I'll be back soon, I promise! 


1 comment:

  1. You have such an old soul - I'm not surprised at all by all the fun you're having. You remind me so much of a good friend - she would feel the exact same if she visited Mavis and would have the craziest stories to tell aha.
