
room revamp.

this weekend I decided to give my room a little bit of a revamp. Moved my bed...painted some frames and an "r", and hung some tissue paper balls. This was the outcome. What do you think? I know some of the frames are crooked, but I almost kinda like it. I dunno.

The sheet music on the wall in the first picture isn't done yet. I think I'm going to hang a bunting garland there. Not totally sure yet, though! I've come to the conclusion that simple is wonderful. It's okay to have some blank space, as long as you know how to play with it. 

Happy Monday, friends!

xoxo, Ruthanne


  1. Your room looks lovely Ruthanne! I gave my room a revamp too! Its so much nicer when everything is new and clean isn't it?

  2. ITS SO CUTE. but not a surprise coming from you :) I love it!

  3. how pretty. your room looks lovely.
