
I'm 18!

This...this was my evening of my 18th birthday. I'm officially 18 now, you guys! Eep! 

I had a bunch of friends over for s'mores and cupcakes...which I forgot to take a picture of. They were gluten free and DELICIOUS. Omg. Anyway. It was a really good 18th birthday. I am thankful for everyone who came and celebrated with me, and especially my parents for being a) cool enough to let me invite 5 girls and 20 guys (I don't have girlfriends...I invited them...no one really came! hahaha.) over and b) letting them stay til midnight when we all got tired. Hollerrrrr. Old people, we are!

I don't have too much to say about it other than I'm really blessed and thankful for the people I have in my life!

ALSO. Kelly (click the link and read her adorable blog. She's my fav. She's also one of my bestest friends and super cute. And awkward. But the cuteness makes up for that.) So. ANYWAY. Kelly. Kelly sent me the most PERFECT birthday present EVER.

If you know me even a LITTLE bit you know that this was the epitome of a "me" gift. Like fo'realz. Nail polish. Notebook. Babylips....ahh! A RAPUNZEL DOLL. Candy. Sunglasses!?! PENS. App store card! and tape! GAH. Seriously people. This was the most fun gift I've gotten in a while. Like. I loved it so much.

Also? I made myself cupcakes on my birthday. I know thats wrong but whatever. I'm a rebel and I did it anyway.

OH. AND. My cousin sent me this. 

Some of you are really confused right now and that's totally okay. I'll explain.

SEE. I'm a really huge John Mayer fan. Like, buy every album sing the songs in my sleep try and convince myself he isn't a creep kind of fan. (which clearly, this photo is not helping. Creepy. But whatever. His voice is hot.) Anywho. He texted me "John wishes you happy birthday." And I fangirled and told him he won for best happy birthday text.

The end.

Xoxo, Ruthanne


  1. SOUNDS LIKE THE BEST EIGHTEENTH EVER! :) Happy birthday pet! :D

  2. Happy Birthday, pretty lady! It is so funny because I am only 21 but I wish I could go back to my 18th birthday. I am glad you had a good one.
