My summer was INSANE.
I didn't work much the first half. And then the Fourth of July happened and BOOM. 40-70 hour weeks were basically thrown in my face. So yeah. That's where I've been. Oops.
Lets have a little recap of the past two months, shall we?
So I say I "worked"....Yeah, well I basically lived here for two months. Rarely did I actually sit and my hair is pretty much dead from all the chlorine it drank but hey, it was fun.
It was HARD. A really HARD summer. I'm not complaining by any means, I had a lot of fun and learned a lot, too, but it was exhausting. By the end of it I was ready to sleep for a week.
It was a lot of this:
picnics and reading!
feeling like this at the end of the day. both of us!
playing a dozen games of mastermind before camp
bribing little boys with blue spiderman ring pops
living in nikes and yoga pants, but loving the view from above
T-man ate a billion times a day, each time was a well balanced meal of turkey and strawberries.
BUT. In the rare moments I found myself with a day off (actually that only happened twice. it was always more like 4 hours with no commitments) I would actually do some fun things! Like...
went to the rodeo and consumed these kicka*s fries. no, really, thats their name. bomb.
I ate them with this view. double bomb.
sometimes I ended up at the lake instead of the pool. glorious.
spent a little time with my pretty twin before college. boo.
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dressed like the rainbow with this one
went fishing with my daddy and cora
matched with Lex for the fourth!
took the middle sis shopping
got milkshakes with amanda
baseball game with D, R and T!
tried to take a decent selfie with the little brother and sis
enjoyed a week with this lovely girl!
ALSO. On top of those fries, I ate a LOT. Observe.
watermelon. erryday.
gluten free cupcakes.
gluten free chocolate covered pretzels
gluten free waffles
12 hour old salmon and salad
gluten free blueberry pancakes
berries. lots of them.
sushi (this was just the prep)
So after I was done working, and playing, and then eating, I slept for a whole day.
Okay, maybe not. But I wanted to.
Here's a few other outtakes from summer!
a bear ran out in front of my car and scared the snot out of me
the rim fire caused my pretty home to look like this for about 3 weeks. No lie.
me and my trusty sidekick trapped and killed the chipmunk that invaded my sister's room.
I enjoyed our firepit immensely.
made happy banners with S and H.
bought this baby. love.
celebrated 150 years of small town goodness.
WOW. So. There you have it. My summer.
I have a LOT up my sleeve over the coming months. I'm in school right now and have 6 hours free in the morning every single day. So. I've been planning. Also, new blog name! What do you think? I felt I needed to change it up. I wanted something a little more reflective of what this place is - the blog of a nanny - "miss Ruthanne". Give me your input! Please?
Thank you so much for enduring this long post! Please - like my facebook page, follow me on pinterest and twitter, as well as instagram! Let me know you're from my blog and I'll follow you back! xoxo!
ps. I turn 18 in two days. nbd.
pps. I'm a COLLEGE STUDENT. more on that later.
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