
you know you're a tourist if....

So, one of the things that comes with living in such a beautiful part of the country, is one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. And I mean that....at least in my book. And in your book too, if you ever came here and saw how gorgeous this place is....Really. it's amazing.

Now you have to understand. In the Truckee/Tahoe area there are two seasons. Winter, and road construction. Regardless of what season it is, however, there are only three kinds of people who hang around here. Legit locals (people who have lived here over 20 years, like my parents, who have lived here for over 35 years), tree-hugger locals (those who have lived here under 15 years), and, the dreaded tourists, those who contribute to our economy and buy into the ridiculous prices that are "normal" around here.

I really have nothing against tourists. No, I love showing off my home to them. In fact, tourists are one of the only reasons my area is still thriving in this economy. My family and I are guilty of being tourists, as well. But. What I cannot stand, however, is clueless tourists. Yes, there is a difference. People who know how to try and not act like tourists are cool. People who are clueless as to how they should conduct themselves as tourists, are not. Let me elaborate.

At the state parksm, there are squirrels. You are not supposed to feed the squirrels. It is posted "DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS". Quite obviously. So when parents and these cute little kids are feeding the squirrels out of their hands, a big, bold sign flashes above their head, screaming at you "tourist!!". These squirrels are adorable...only if tourists don't do that, making them annoying little creatures who get into everything you leave out (or put away).

These are the silly things tourists do. While at Sand Harbor, a state park/beach on thursday, my mom and I began a list of  "You know you're a tourist if..." 's. here is the beginnings of this wonderful list.

You Know You're a Tourist If...
  • You can't figure out how to get the "bear proof" trash cans open...
  • You video the squirrels getting into a bag of dorritos.
  • You buy your entire lunch at "The Char Pit"...seriously. $40 for a two person lunch is a rip off. The food isn't even that fantastic.
  • You have an air pump for your floaty toys in it's original packaging.
It goes on, but I figured I'd be nice...for now. muahahha...

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