
....I got bangs!

I took the plunge and did it...I got bangs yesterday! I've been wanting them again for a while, and I knew now is the time to do them. Fall/winter when I have the time to style them. What do y'all think? I love them! For now, at least. I have a feeling it won't last forever - I love long hair and being able to do anything with it. But for a month or so, they're a nice change. My hair grows so fast anyway, so I'm not worried about it too much :) 


  1. Ah! I love it- you look gorgeous :) I've been tempted to take the plunge as well- but I tend to regret every haircut. ever. sooo, maybe not :)

  2. they look gorgeous!! I used to have bangs too...but I grew them out :P

  3. Girl, you are cute. I've been wanting bangs but I'm not sure how it would look on me.
