
senior portraits (round one!)

Hi y'all! Oh my goodness. I received my disk of senior portraits in the mail yesterday, and I am beyond ecstatic about them. Miss Kayleigh did an amazing job on them. There are almost 60 that she sent over, but I picked 12 of my 24 favorites to share with you today! I'm struggling to feel okay posting even just 12 of them...so many pictures of me! haha. Borderline awkward, but whatever, right? You're only a senior once, better live it up...or something like that. Kayleigh, thank you soooo much for the amazing job you did! You captured my personality so well, I can't even handle it. Bunches of hugs to you! (and you sweet family for tagging along too!)

So, tell me what y'all think? Which one(s) are your favorites? I am in love with the bottom left hand one - the suitcases, my boots...grandpa's camera. Absolutely wonderful. I love the tops ones too...and the yellow chair...and. Okay. I really can't pick a favorite, who are we kidding!!

xoxo, Ruthanne