
opposition, grace + perseverance

Good morning, friends. I have a touchy post for you today...I debated whether it would be appropriate or not to post about it, but I felt that it was something I needed to talk about, and some people might find encouraging and thought provoking all at the same time. 

I recently posted this on my personal facebook.
"I'm pretty over the whole "why aren't you going to college?" question. So from now on, my standard answer will be: "I want to be a Disney princess, meet my Prince Charming, and live happily ever after with 3-5 children." What's funny is that it isn't so very far from reality."
You would not believe the controversy that one little status created. I got relatively encouraging feedback from some of my mom's friends and a few of mine, too. But then came the one that was absurd.
"You should go to college if you have the opportunity to go learn something. Don't be an idiot."
Whoa, there, 'pardner. Yeah, that actually happened, coming from a grown man. I did my best to hold my tongue and I responded quite politely. 
"I honestly have always wanted to be a wife and mother. I have no interest in going to school for another 4-8 years. I plan on junior college, but I don't think college dictates success. Some kids want to be brain surgeons and lawyers, I want to be a mom."
This created quite the discussion; err...debate. The guy who told me not to be an "idiot" wrote me two novels about why I was making the wrong decision about not going to a four year school. In these responses, he informed me that my desire not to go to school is "self-centered, defensive, and selfish". He told me that "real men" want women with skills...
"a proverbs 31 wife, WORKS HER A** off. She is skilled and deliberate. Focused, KNOWLEDGABLE, and wise. She is her husbands crown. She can do real estate, farm, knit, weave, cook, saw, build, start a business, run a business, run a household etcccc....[cont to end of comment] real men like girls with skills, Bow hunting skills, staff skills, navigation skills, GUYS like girls with skills.... PERIOD!"
And this is where I began to cry. Maybe it was just hormones and me pms-ing, but I literally began to cry. This man, a leader in my church, thought that 1.) it was appropriate to "call out" a 17 year old girl on facebook, 2.) he knew me well enough to pass such harsh judgement in such a public form, and 3.) it was his place to reprimand me in such a way.
The post I made was meant to be funny; lighthearted. It was meant to lend a smile to a few people. It was intended to be witty and silly. But he didn't take it that way.
"BTW.... We live in the world not in disney fairly tale land. Pull your head out and come back to reality."
The sting of his words is still present. As I read over the comments he made, and the ones others made supporting me, I am brought back to previous emotions. It angers me, and it's hurtful that he felt so strongly about it to be so bold on facebook, but that I know he wouldn't be able to tell me any of that in person. I want to cry again, too, because how dare anyone tell me that I will not be a good wife and mother without a college education. And I feel bad, all at the same time, for not responding fully in grace, and still harboring some feelings of anger.

This man and I have no real relationship. Our conversations have been few and far between. He doesn't know anything about me, my life, or the things I can do. So why did it hurt so badly? 

I have spent the past 6-7 years of my life preparing myself for being a skillful woman; a proverbs 31 woman. I have always loved being creative, but knowing that it pleases the Lord fueled it even more. I created this blog as a place to share some of it because it seemed very few people around me cared about my passions; but that didn't matter after I met all of you.

I have spent countless hours and days seeking to learn skills that will benefit my household someday. Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to work towards being the best wife and mother I can be someday. A proverbs 31 woman isn't perfect; she makes mistakes, and the Lord is glorified in them. Too many people get caught up in the skills she possesses instead of the heart she has. Myself included.

There will always be people who disapprove of what we do, even those within the church. And it's okay; I am relatively glad he and I had the dispute we did, because it caused me to really define (to myself) what it is I'm headed for, and what my goals are for the next phase of my life. I recently updated my about section, and towards the end I said this:
"I can't wait to meet my Prince Charming - and while I know I have a ways to go, this is the documentation of my journey. Uncovering my identity in Him. Discovering grace. And preparing myself for whatever He calls me to next. Life after high school and before marriage."
That's what this next phase is. Life after high school and before marriage. I intend to make the very most of it, too, by golly!

But I won't back down about not going to college; I do not feel called to a four year school right now. If He calls me later, I'll go. I might fight it for a while,  and I probably won't like it at first, but I'll go.

Ultimately, when we get to heaven and stand before the Lord, I'm pretty sure he's not going to be concerned with how many degrees we have, or how many A's we received in school. 

It will not matter what we accomplish, but rather, who we have influenced. 

Thanks for reading all of this, if you made it that far. I know I kind of ranted, but you're wonderful for enduring it. I made the following graphic for y'all...remember this always; say it to yourself daily. You are a daughter of the King. No matter what filth you are covered in; no matter what wrong decisions you make, you are lovely; and loved by Him. College or no college, mother or not, imperfect and broken; you are always lovely to the King.

xoxo, Ruthanne


  1. I always wanted to be a stay at home wife and mom. I also went to college. I went for a few practical reasons...I was awarded scholarships so it was free, which was a pretty good motivation...and I figured a Christian college would be a reasonable place to find a good selection of Christian guys who were in the process of being educated enough that they could get a job that would support a family. That worked for me since I ended up getting married halfway through college. I do believe that women should be prepared in some way to provide for themselves and their family if need be--if my husband dies young and we have small children (it's happened to other families) I do believe I need to have a marketable skill so that I can get a job if worst comes to worst. Ideally, I do plan to continue staying home and allowing my husband to be the provider forever.

    You're right that college isn't for everyone. I'm very grateful that I got to go...but that man had no right to call you out and harsh on you for a life choice that you and your family have decided on together. There are other ways to learn life skills as well as marketable skills--a Bachelor's isn't the only way.

  2. God has a plan for everyone. Each person has their own plan made especially by Him, and each is different. Some people choose not to follow it.

    I've always wanted to teach. I have a strong passion for it, and I believe, a gift. Eventually, I would like to wind up teaching at the college level. I honestly believe that college is not for everyone. Yes, a future educator said that. My brother was not cut out for college. He tried it, for two weeks. He doesn't learn the college way. I'm not underestimating his intelligence; he's very bright. He's a doer, a bodily-kinesthetic learner. I'm pretty much the "college type." I love reading, lectures, and learning. I went to community college for 3 years, and I thrived there. I loved it, and I really miss it, now that I'm into the online university. It was a good environment for me, someone who loves to soak up new things. I gained a lot of valuable experiences, that I wouldn't have gained elsewhere. I learned about who I'm not, and who I am. I reaffirmed my passion for education. I had some professors that had impacts on me that I can't even begin to express. I made certain bonds with other people. I had conversations that I'll never forget.

    But this is what I felt led to do with my life.

    I also want to marry and have children, but not above my education. Actually, under God and my family, those two are so close to equal on my priority list. But, right now, education is barely eking out an edge over marriage.

    More than anything, I want to God's will. And if He sends Prince Charming my way tomorrow, I won't hesitate to follow God's plan and change mine. Because I want the plan that I have, to be the one that God made for me. If I need to adjust it, I know He'll let me know.

    Keep on, Ruthanne. As long as you are in His will, you will be doing what is best for you. And what is best for you, is not always going to be what others think it is. We all have a purpose. But those are different. Yours might be to raise a child that God uses in powerful ways. My purpose might be to impact someone for the better. It's all in God's hands.

  3. I think God made us different, and that's something beautiful. What's wrong is when someone starts telling other girls that they need to be like them or they can't be godly. I've had lots of people tell me that it is wrong for a girl to go to college and have a career. But it sounds like you got the opposite!

    It's really too bad that people behave like that on the internet. He probably wouldn't have said all of that to your face, so he shouldn't have said it on facebook. It's easy to type something mean on the internet, because you can't see someone's face.

    Good luck being you, Ruthanne! =)

  4. be who God wants you to be, not what man thinks you should be. live for his glory and his alone.

  5. God will help you be who you need to be. I've always had the desire (which I think was God-given) to go to school. I love what I have been able to do with it. However, I do not have a strong desire to be a mother. That is something I am working towards and praying to have because children are a heritage of the Lord and are so precious.

    I'm sorry people are judgmental. Just keep on listening to what God wants you to and you won't go wrong. I had some plans changed because of it, but I've only turned out for the better because of them.

  6. Darling Ruthanne,
    I am utterly horrified that that man would say such a thing to you. It was certainly not his place nor is it his choice what you do with your life especially since he does not even know you. That just makes me upset for you. I do want to admit that I used to sometimes pass judgement on girls who just wanted to get married and have babies and has no other goals in life. I have seen it a lot from many sheltered homeschooled young Christian girls and it annoyed me a lot. And I judged. Now the truth is my mind and heart has changed towards that. Some women were meant for that and not in a bad way but just that their call in life is to be that wife and mother. And that is just as much of a job and good life as anything else. I don't agree with that man at all. I don't believe you should have to go to college especially since I will probably never go myself. I think it is foolish of that man to say those harsh words to you and basically saying no man would want you because you would not be skilled. Some of the best women I know are wives ands mothers who never went to college and they have more wisdom and happiness than the best college grads. I think you know what would be good in your life and God knows and I think he will lead you in the right way. I think you will make a wonderful wife and Mom, Ruthanne. You are a blessed smart beautiful AND skilled young woman and I just know your life will have great things. And me, the girl who used to judge those girls, is discovering that although there are many things I would like to do with my life before a family, I honestly would not mind becoming a wife sooner than I thought I would. Especially when you find a guy that you can't help thinking wow he would make a great husband and dad. Because believe it or not those guys actually exist even in todays messed up world. Anyway, Ruthanne, I just know the Lord is going to bless you a lot in this life and that he has great things planned for you. Much love!
