
it's only tuesday and my world is falling apart already.

Did you read the title? that's basically how I feel.

Let me explain to you just a few of the things that have gone wrong this week:

Saturday morning/afternoon was my cousin/niece's 1st birthday party. I can't go too deep, but I was pretty much blown off by a cousin I used to be super close to, for no reason. The situation behind it was a lose-lose deal. And I lost big time.

Saturday evening I babysat overnight for a family that didn't value my time and seriously underpaid me - not even by a little bit, but by a lot, even when I gave them a lower rate than I usually do. I hate that. Waste of my Saturday night.

Sunday I was tired, and had a sunday school teachers meeting. then a going away party for my friend Peter. That was hard. 


I dropped my  favorite OPI nail polish on our concrete floors in my bathroom, and it shattered. leaving me with a huge mess, and intoxicated by the fumes.

I found out one of my family members is pregnant. She's not married. I can't say I'm thrilled, because I looked up to her so much in prior years. I'm sorely disappointed in humanity right now, and longing more than ever for Jesus to come back.

I hung out with Peter and his girlfriend Cora, who is a very good friend of mine, for the last time in a long time, seeing as he moved today.

And today. 

Woke up late. Bad mood. And then Peter came by again this morning for one final goodbye. I cried. I hate crying. 

And my giveaway is having some issues with the widget, so I had to take it down. I am sorry to the one person who entered - but it will be back up, and re-started when I find time to mess with it. I do apologize.

I know I sound like I'm complaining to you guys right now, but I don't want to sound that way. I was reminded recently that my blog isn't a place to portray a "perfect" life. My life isn't perfect. I have bad days, weeks, months, and that's okay to share here.

I hope your week is going better than mine! Hugs, friends!


  1. I'm sorry you're having a bad week girly, you're in my prayers. Also, remember that one a more positive note, it can only get better from here. Hang in there!

  2. praying for you sweet :) could we schedule a skype date this weekend/next week? love you so much!

  3. Ruthie, I'm giving you the biggest virtual hug to ever been felt, okay? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, and I'm pretty tempted to go and get on a plane to come see you to give you a person-person hug! I hope the rest of your week goes better - if it's an consolation I'm doing exams right now and 100% sure I've failed them. Love you girlie, and I go home next Friday, so if you're around I PROMISE I won't blow you off this time for a skype date! <3
