
you might be a homeschooler IF...

Have y'all seen these videos? If not, watch them. Most non-homeschoolers probably won't get them...but to us...they're hilarious and over 75% totally accurate. 

Lets talk about the whole Connie and Eugene getting married thing.....please tell me y'all agree with that statement, up until Mitch entered the situation, and then it was like OH NO. MARRY HIM, CONNIE, MITCH IS AWESOME.....Yeah? okay. Glad we got that cleared up..


Yes....I'm most definitely a homeschooler.


  1. lol, these are funny. i'm not a home schooler but I know some and am able to understand a few of the jokes aha.

  2. These. Always. Homeschoolers making fun of homeschoolers is a thing with the people I know haha. I feel like we are allowed to do so since we were one ourselves.

  3. Oh, and these videos are so accurate. Like I can't even say. Yes I'm commenting twice. haha

  4. Agree with the AIO references...although I'm glad Eugene and Katrina ended up married. Oh, and down here the debate is between A Beka and A.C.E. Love it!

  5. Haha, these are the best, aren't they? I'm pretty sure I answered yes to all of them. ;)
