
funny funny.

some days I pretend I'm a real teenager and actually have a life. those are the days when I'm actually invited to the things that go on in this town...like church bonfires, and movie nights.

then I remember I'm a nanny at 16, think thrifting is the best thing ever, would rather sew a dress than socialize with those people, and collect vintage pyrex.

then reality smacks me in the face.....

and I laugh and laugh and remember...I'm supposed to be turning 17 in six days....HAHA. funny, God, putting a 37 year old in my body. funny funny. 

obviously, this is why I have a blog.

ps- if you want to go like my facebook page, you're super awesome.


  1. So this is totally random, but I googled my own name (long story) just to see what came up ... hello, other Ruthanne with an e :) Only I'm RuthAnne with an e and a capital A in the middle. Just wanted to say your blog is darling!

  2. too funny! and you take some awesome pics girl!

