
guest post - rebekah of forever unique

Good morning! I have such a treat for you today. My best friend is guest posting for me. I. Know. Greatest thing ever. This lady is just the best, and I love her to absolute pieces. She has a heart of gold and I know y'all will enjoy what she has to say!


Hey y'all! I'm Rebekah, but you can just call me Beka. My blog is Forever Unique and I share little pieces of my life with whoever is willing to read. I'm a baker of delicious things, a lover of all things lace, and a precious child of my God. You'll probably find a little bit of everything over there. Sneak a peak if you like! :)

Today is my precious best friend's birthday. I'm so honored that she asked me to write this post on her very special day. I love you mucho, Ruthanne! Happy birthday, sweetheart. Hope you're loving your week with your family.

Ruthanne and I have such a unique story. Really, it's one of a kind. She wrote the perfect post about in on here, but if you haven't read it, please do! Y'all are so blessed to read the words of this girl. Really. Her precious wisdom beyond her years and understanding is awesome to read and be a part of.

I thought long and hard about what to post, and I feel led to talk on a more serious note today. And I know this isn't the norm for guest bloggers, but I feel like someone might need this like I did.

Sunday my pastor told Jacob's story from the Old Testament. His whole life, Jacob was a runner, a conniver, a deceiver. He deceived his older brother out of his firstborn blessing and ran, he later took herds and his family and ran from his father-in-law, and the examples go on and on. He constantly blamed others for being the root of his problems. Jacob's brother, Esau, has been incredibly angry with Jacob for over 20 years since Jacob cheated him out of his birthright. His brother finally caught up with him along with an army of 400 men and Jacob begged God to neutralize the situation. God literally came down as an angel (the pre-Christ) and physically wrestled with Jacob. In the end, the angel simply touched Jacob's hip, and his hip immediately went out. My pastor brought me the realization that God specifically touched his hip so that Jacob couldn't run anymore. Crazy, right? So Jacob had to meet his brother face to face. But while Esau is stomping out to meet Jacob, Jacob is walking with a limp supported by a cane.

Pastor Sal made the most astounding parallel. When we run through life carelessly hurting people, we hurt those others and ourselves, leaving scars -- just like Jacob did. It's easier to say "No" to evil than "Yes" to God. So we run and run and run. Until we get between a hard place and God. We can't run anymore. God finally tells us that He is placing these problematic people and situations to change and mold things in us.

As a Christ follower, I am wounded. I have scars. But God is making me into a beautiful thing. Constantly. But that means that I walk with a limp, to depend on God. And I have to be open with that limp. It's important that people are aware that I am wounded and completely imperfect. But I have a God who loves me so much that He came to earth and died for me, to carrry me through the storms.

This song means so much to me. It's been a rally song, a cry-your-guts-out song, a fall-to-my-knees song, an anthem, a reminder that God is making me new.

I absolutely adore you all and I hope to see you again! Thanks for reading!



  1. I usually don't read guest posts, and I was so close to skipping over this one, but I am SO ecstatically happy that I stopped. It was a great post and written with such wisdom. Thank you so much for sharing Rebekah. I'm one of your newest followers and am so happy to be!

    You're such a good writer.
    The picture of you both is so cute!
    & That song? MY FAVORITE. I looove that song so much.
    & of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RUTHANNE!

  3. Beautiful Things is one of my favorite songs ever. :D Gungor has some awesome music.
    So true—God is constantly making us new. (just like Jesus says: “I am making all things new”. I absolutely love the present-tense in that. It's so beautiful.) And the amazing this is, we're all embraced as imperfect as we are—because Jesus wraps himself around us no matter what. His love is so awesome.
    Okay, I'll stop rambling now. Great guest post, Beka!
