
guest post - janae of the letter 4

Good morning everyone! Today, one of my most lovely friends is here to share some knowledge with y'all! Her name is Janae, and she is 1/4 of The Letter 4! Janae and I have been getting to know each other better lately (praise the Lord for facebook!) and she's become a dear friend of mine! Plus, we're both gingers, so there's a fantastic connection there! hehe....and without further ado....miss Janae! :)
Hello readers of Ruthanne's blog. I'm Janae and I'm a sister over at The Letter 4 and I also just started a blog for my photography and videography over at Blood Orange Productions. Ruthanne is one of the sweetest people ever, and I'm so happy that she asked me to share on her blog!

I've recently been attending LDS Business College and really want to share what I've been learning! It could definitely apply to any of your businesses, blogs, or even just everyday life.

First off, if anyone has been noticing the negativity about school starting, you're not alone. School is so amazing and we should not take it for granted! I have been so excited to start learning in a classroom again. You can never be over educated, you know. No matter what year of school you're in, be happy you get an education.
Alright, down to business. Have any of you heard of the "Golden Circle"? It's an amazing tool that will help you create a more personal relationship with your customers, clients, readers, etc. It is designed and explained by Simon Sinek. But! Most people use this tool incorrectly and this is the reason a lot of businesses fail. Here, I'll show you.
 The average person thinks from the outside in. "What" we do, "how" we do it, and "why" we do it. That's not interesting, everyone uses that and it won't create an emotionally connected relationship.

Now, when you think from the inside out, things change. You proclaim why you do what you do, truthfully. You believe what you say. If you believe what you say, others will. Then after you have stated your "why", you move on to how you accomplish your why and what you have to offer.

Simon Sinek always says, "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." This is so true. If you honestly express why you do what you do, you will have more loyal customers, employees, friends, readers, etc.

This is a SUPER brief overview of some of the things Simon Sinek lectures about, so if you'd like to listen to him and his genius ways, go here to listen to his amazing lecture. You won't regret it.

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