
september's promises.

I turn 17 this month...on the 17th. I decided to make a few promises to myself...things I want to accomplish in the next 30 days.

This month, I promise to get up earlier.
I promise to take a picture a day - using a real camera, instead of my iphone. 
I promise to bake more healthy goodies.
I promise to be happy.
This month, I promise to write more music.
I promise to be more adventurous. 
I promise to read more blogs, and build friendships.
I promise to work harder.
This month, I promise to be slower to speak.
I promise to hold my tongue.
I promise to be slow to anger.
Quick to forgive.
I promise to strive to be more like Christ.

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday month to you :):) and also, happy weekend :D
