
guest post - ruby red lipstick && clashing hues

Hey y'all! Ruthanne here! as you already know, I'm on the road for a week, having a little birthday road trip! Annnnnyway. I'd like y'all to meet my sweet, sweet friend Britney! I asked her to guest post while I was away and I am soooooo excited to share it with you! She's such a doll, and absolutely hilarious, not to mention she's hilarious. So, I'll shush now, and let her take it away! :)


Hello Lovelies!!!
I'm Britney and the ever so sweet Ruthanne asked me to do a little guest post!! I am so honoured and absolutely smitten to be here to talk to you all! To start it off I have a short video where I tell you about the three makeup items I use. Seriously, its just three. I might start wearing eye shadow or something but right now all I use is these three things; eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.

I sure do hope you liked my video!! If you couldn't tell by my accent I live in the far away land of New Zealand. I've been overseas once in my life (last year) and I am a vegetarian!! I'd visit the zoo any day and have four dogs, one cat and as you saw in the video some ducks have taken to the front lawn! I write for my blog Lemonwood and Honey and its really all I do in my spare time. I am currently studying at uni which sometimes can be a drag when you have so many assignments to complete!! BUT life is good! Its much better than good actually. Its extraordinary.

 On to the fashion side of things?

I believe that fashion is more than just following trends. To me fashion has become a way to show my personality, to show my mood, to experiment and really, to just have fun. Its not about the latest designer fad or must have. Its about you! And that is the most important thing. If you love wearing jelly shoes (do you remember those?) then so be it! If you want to wear a tutu to school (which I have, it was petticoat actually) then do it!! Living by rules, thats not living at all! I used to be rather judgmental on what other people wore. But I thought, who am I to judge? That girl, that guy, she/he feels awesome the way they are dressed. And that is all that is important.

Everyday I am getting to know myself more and more. Because of that I find that it reflects in what I wear. I have a craving to go on a crazy shopping spree (money permitting) and buy everything that reflects who I am but at the same time pieces that last. I want to buy clothes that suit my body rather than a stick thin model. Because my body is just as beautiful as theirs and so is yours!! I want to buy socks and sew little pom poms on them because, although I might not look like I walked off the run way, I think its really cute! I want to be me and use fashion as an outlet to show that!!

As for my outfit, I have been wearing this jacket like crazy this past few weeks. It comes from Dorothy Perkins, which I fell in love with when I went to London last year. The dress is from Romwe and I just adore the tapestry like pattern. I love mixing patterns together and having fun. I suppose the one thing I would add to this outfit is a necklace.

Final words?
Thanks so much Ruthanne for inviting me here! It was a blast and really broadened my blogging ideas. I haven't done an outfit post in so long and never like this! 
I wish that I could meet every single one of you and help you to see that something about you that makes you extraordinary. Its there! I know it. When it comes to fashion, dress to suit your body shape, dress the way you like and have fun! Life can be scary but it is the scariness that makes it beautiful! Remember how amazing you are and you will be fine. More than fine. You'll be extraordinary


  1. You are so adorable! My make up looks like that too- almost gone.

  2. What a fun post! I just love this :)

