
vintage dress making equals love.

so I just purchased this lovely vintage fabric yardage from Donna over at her Etsy shop. I fell in love with it the instant I saw it. Totally fabulous! However. After thinking long and hard about it, I can't seem to decided which vintage dress pattern I should use it for!

Vintage Turquoise Green Polyester Fabric with polka dot print - 4 yard length x 44" width

Last week a lovely lady from my church complimented me on my vintage dress at church! Her and her husband proceeded to gush over the fact that I made it, and how wonderful it was. They then told me that his mother used to do a great deal of sewing, but moved a while back to the east coast, leaving all of her sewing things behind. Well. They informed me that next time they were at her old house, they would peek through her mounds of patterns and fabric to try and find something that might spark interest with me!

last Tuesday she called me up and told me she had a few things for me, and I was delighted! she stopped my my house and brought me two vintage patterns. simplicity 8584 and butterick 3578. I was originally going to use it for simplicity pattern, but I cannot decide anymore! So I need your opinion! here are the two patterns:

I cannot decide which one to use. dear me. please help.

love, ruthanne.


  1. I love both of them but I think the butterick one would make a fabulous party dress.
    I have over 20 vintage patterns. I should take some pictures and show you them

    p.s. sorry im commenting with a wordpress account. blogger wont let me comment really with my google account so i had to create wordpress specifically for commenting.

  2. yes yes yes PLEASE! :) I would love that, dear! and please don't apologize, I'm so happy you're commenting! my Google acct used to not let me do that either. it was a strange time....


  3. Vintage dress patterns?! Man I wish I had your talent to make it! I can totally see that awesome fabric making the simplicity one, but I also ADORE the pattern for the second dress. So I see your dilemma haha!
