
weekday wanderings: black && white

 nail polishes. thought it looked kinda cool...no?

 the boots. ♥ soaking up the sun outside. (note: I take at least one picture of my boots a week..so even if it's a terrible photo...it'll end up here...hehe)

British stamps. Cause Lucy lives in the UK. and she's just that awesome.

My new purple dress from miss Lucy! <3 that's the shade of purple it is...gorgeous, isn't it?!

 Blurry mirror picture...but kind of cool none the less.

Recently decided this is my new favorite dramatic shot of myself. That is all.


Yesterday I received a lovely package in the mail from one of my dear friends Lucy. Lucy is not only sweet and amazing but she is also British! Ah! love it. Anyway. This week there's a "little bit of everything" for photos. It's kind of a mix...but I made sure to get a picture of my boots in there...hehe! in the next couple weeks you'll be seeing some gorgeous elements of a Sierra Fall...ah. love it. but it takes forever to get here so just be patient...I promise, I'll get more interesting with my photos :)



  1. Such pretty pictures!

    btw how did you make your blog button? photoshop? darn why do i not have photoshop haha

  2. Yes - but you don't need photoshop to make it. I'll send you the link for the tutorial :)
