
weekday wanderings

my day yesterday was hectic. school pictures in the morning, doctor appointment in the afternoon, and a birthday party for my cousin later. I didn't have the camera with me the first half of the day, but I grabbed it when we stopped by the house and took some shots of the drive to my cousin's; of which I'm going to share. I apologize for all the cross processed effect. but it is pretty much amazing and it got rid of all the gross buggies on our windshield, since these were all almost "through the windshield" shots...ha!

I love where I live. And the places I get to drive because of it. And my cowboy boots. That is all.


  1. Love the pictures <3 Loving the colors.
    So I had NO CLUE that you changed your blog, and I kept clicking on ADBT and it wouldn't show up. O_O But then I found this, so alls good. ;)
    And oh my goodness, I didn't get a chance to comment on your last post but I cannot believe how big Addy has gotten! She is soo precious! Give her a happy birthday hug for me. :)
    Great job on the new design btw!
    -Kate (The Sailor)

  2. Your photos are so sweet! What a great little blog you have going! Thank you for your comment on my Kinder Kloset post over at Kinder Words. I hope to stay in touch! :-)

  3. I adore your blog's header! Anne of Green Gables is def. one of my favorites. :) Nice photos, too!
