
proverbs 31:30 (free printable & iphone background)

( ↑ click to go to printable page ↑ )

iphone lock screen background

so, apparently today is national women's day in the US. Who knew. Go figure. I don't personally feel we need a day for our gender, but whatever.....

Anyway. It did inspire me, however, to make this little thing up above to kind of remind you and I that a woman who fears the lord is the most celebrated. I think I'm going to go through Proverbs 31 and make one of these for every verse; that chapter is so rich and full of amazing things for us ladies to use and glean from, and what better way than to have these verses as reminders in printable and iphone background form!

I'm not putting a copyright on these - but I'm trusting you, or anyone else who uses these will be nice and link back to me, or something. I thought maybe you could print it out on a piece of cardstock and stick on your mirror or in your car, or make it your iphone lock screen or something...who knows! 

Hope your thursday is wonderful, dear friends!



  1. This is so cute! I am a women's ministry rep at my church, so I am going to frame this to give out at our fellowship tomorrow. It was absolutely perfect!

  2. Hi! I would really want to print this onto a pillow to give to the 4 girls I'm ministering. They'll be baptized this coming week and I was hoping to give the pillows as a gift. Is there any possibility to get a hd copy of it? Thanks!
