


sometimes, the only way to get the words out is through song.

sometimes, the only thing to say is nothing; sometimes all you can do is listen.

sometimes, upon occasion, you needn't speak; only sing.

and sometimes, the melody says it all.

sometimes, i find myself falling more and more in love with music.

as if that's even possible, i say to myself.

but it happens. there's something about a song that gets me.

it makes me joyful. quiet. calm. happy.

sometimes, more like all the time, i end up lost in this world.

the world of G sharp minor sevenths, and F sharp ninths.

it's my favorite world though. 

peaceful and free of worries. you can speak your mind there.

there aren't any rules as to what you can say.

it's all up to you. you're the writer of the song; composer of the melody.

it's nice, you know.

sometimes, i wonder what it's like not to know this world.

but then again, sometimes i wonder how anyone could not know it.

and other times, i thank god for blessing me with the passion i have.

passion for worship. music. singing.

thank you; my savior, for blessing me so; thank you.


  1. i'm so happy i found your blog.

    you are beautiful.

    and i need all of those swimsuits stat.

  2. wow, I can totally relate with you. I compose all the time, music to me is...oh never mind. I can't image what life what be like if God hadn't blessed us with it.
    I can't even describe it how I love it so much. You said it all yourself perfectly. So glad I discovered your blog.
