
yummy berry cream cheese

you will need:
1/2 cup frozen or fresh berries
1 package (8oz) of cream cheese
1-2 tbs. sugar
bowl (I used a 4 cup pyrex measuring glass - it was easier to hold)
spoon & whisk

note: you can use an electric mixer too, it works splendidly for this. I just find it more work than necessary for this particular recipe.

if your berries are frozen, microwave them for about 10 seconds at a time until they are nice and soft, but not hot. drain off most of the juice.

add about 1 tbs. sugar to your berries and mix well.

place your cream cheese in the bowl of your choice, and stir it up! you want it to be fairly easy to stir and smooth.

add the berries to the cream cheese and mix really well. you may want to bust out your whisk now...

once everything is incorporated and smooth, taste to check the sweetness, and add more sugar if needed.

place in an airtight container and refrigerate. I've found it's good for up to 8 or 10 days, but I never let it last that long!

it's delicious on bagels, graham crackers, cupcakes, you name it. 


happy wednesday friends, have a lovely, lovely day! 

xoxo, ruthanne


  1. ooooo, I am going to have to try this :)


  2. That looks scrumptious!! Ruthanne, I have always liked your blog, but this is the first time I have been back in a while. Your style just keeps growing, and you are becoming more and more professional with what you do. Keep up the good work, girl!
