
in t-minus two days I will no longer be wise.

okay, so maybe I'm being dramatic, but seriously.

I get my wisdom teeth out on tuesday. gross, right? even worse than that I'm not normal in the sense that none of the four are coming in at the same rate, so the one or two that are where normally all four are when they take em out, are the reason I have to have the other two removed by basically cutting through my jaw. yuck much?

anyway. I'm trying to be pleasant about it...fat chance, huh?

for those of you who've already gotten your wisdom teeth out, what do you suggest? I've been told eating a whole pineapple reduces swelling greatly....did it for you, if you tried it?


  1. Eeeeeyuck, I'm sorry Ruthie! I had surgery to get eight teeth removed, basically from my gums, when I was like, 11. It hurts a lotttttt, but liquids help - as does ice cream, cliche that it is! Good luckkkkkk! <3

  2. Aw :(. My brother had his out years ago and did great, my mother made him eat soup and soft foods like pudding and mashed potatoes for a couple of days, but he was itching to eat "real" food. He said it wasn't as bad as his friends that had it done made it out to be. YWTTMV (Your Wisdom Tooth Tale May Vary). I had surgery after I got braces on to remove 2 baby molars that had grown around the permanent teeth, and my baby eye teeth extracted and the permanent ones "exposed" because they weren't growing in the right direction. "Exposed" for one of those teeth meant that I had a huge hole in my gums for MONTHS. It was terrible. I took Advil for the swelling and did everything I could to try to keep myself from sleeping with pressure on my mouth. That can make it really sore.
    I don't have a Wisdom Tooth Tale, as I have one in, and the others are going to come in, but I've had 2 dentists tell me I don't need to have them out, that they're fine.
