
kim possible: hey wade, what's the sitch?

I have to admit something to you....

I was/am a die hard Kim Possible fan.

like. so much so, that this my text alert tone:

pretty awesome, right?

anyway. funny story for you, to go with this whole little confession.

one of my favorite things to do when my phone goes off in a public place, is to answer it with "hey wade, what's the sitch?"

the looks people give me are amazing. like, truly amazing. 

so the other day, we're out shopping, and my phone goes off..

naturally, I decided to "answer" it...

I "pick up" and say "hey wade, what's the sitch?"

and, per usual, get some fantastic looks of confusion.

what makes it even better is that this is what my phone case looks like: 

not exact, I know...but similar.

who else loved kim possible? any other teens out there?


  1. Duuuuuuude.

    Kim Possible was awesome. That brings back memories.

    Awesome notification! That would be an rad Skpye ringtone, too. xD

    So not the drama! (okay, that was overboard)


  2. hahaah! I love love love that ringtone! It is so awesome and epic

  3. Hahaha, I love it! I definitely used to watch me some Kim Possible. You're ridiculous in the best way possible.

  4. bahaha! I LOVE me some KP and I'm almost /too/ old to admit that. before they closed it at Epcot at Walt Disney World, I used to do all the save the country activities they have with Kim Possible and all the villains. Too awesome!
