
ryan meets his maker; 1992 - 2012.

Death keeps making an appearance in my life.

An all too common one.

I watched my friend Jordan hang up the phone earlier today, only to hear him ask me if I knew a kid named Ryan Wahl...and I said, "...knew?"

Ryan died yesterday in a climbing accident.

I went to charter school with Ryan. He was three years older than I, but lived down the street from me, and our brothers were friends, as well as our moms. 

The news hit me hard. Really, really, really hard.

Harder than I thought it would have if I had been asked how I thought I would react.

I don't know what to do with such news. All day I was kind of absent, thinking about life, death, and the losses we all are forced to deal with in our lives.

Ryan's mom said it perfectly in a facebook status this morning, telling all about what happened. 

"...Yesterday Ryan died in a climbing accident. I guess God decided He wanted Ryan to celebrate Easter with Ryan right next to his side. Lucky for Ryan, sad for us."

I am oddly, sooooo very jealous of Ryan right now. He's sitting with our savior, free of all worldly troubles.

No more sin.

No more pain.

No more heartache.

And then I sit, and I cry a little bit. Because I don't know why God would want to take Ryan from his family now. 

When he was only 20.

He was so passionate and on fire for God; I don't get it.

But I'm trying to trust.

I feel dramatic, and over reactive almost, because I knew him so little...but he was my brother, regardless of how well I knew him; and my heart breaks knowing he's gone.

If you feel like keeping the Wahl family in your prayers, that would be wonderful. Ryan left behind both of his parents, a younger brother and sister, as well as a slew of extended family and friends.

Lord; please be with Gail, Tom, Luke and Amanda right now; keep them close to you, and let them feel Your presence. I ask, Father, that you would remind them of Your grace and mercy even in these tragic times. Please let them hear Your still small voice, and give them the peace they need. I also ask that you keep those who were close to Ryan close to you as well, many of my friends. I lift them all up to You, Jesus. You are the ultimate healer and comforter, and I pray that they would lean on that and take comfort from it in this difficult time. Thank you for Your love; and thank you, oh thank you Jesus, for dying the most brutal death of all so we could live forever with You, and someday be reunited with all of those who left us behind on earth. I love You so; in Your precious, gracious name; amen.


  1. I'm so sorry, Ruthanne. My heart breaks for you and his family.

    Tomorrow would be the 20th birthday of my friend Stephanie. She was killed in a car accident in August 2010. We weren't super close, but she was always there. I still miss her so much.

    Praying for his family... and for you.

    1. Thank you, Grace Anna. I hate the reality of life sometimes, but I know God's plan is greater than my grief. hugs to you!

  2. Hey Ruthanne,
    We have never met, but I knew Ryan too and I found this post when I googled his name after I found out about his death. He was one of my bestest friends and a brother to me. I love him so much and my heart is broken knowing that he will never randomly Skype me while he's getting ready for work just to tell me he misses me or try to talk me into joining him in his schenanigans. I know that he is with the Lord now and could not be happier, but it's still really hard. I am in Israel right now and will not be back to the States in time for the funeral, which is also really hard, but I am doing what I can from here. I really like this post that you wrote.
