
I survived!

It's official, y'all.

I survived the new years babysitting rush. December 28th - January 4th.

I spent 60 hours of my life these past 7 days watching kids.

Sixty. hours. Sixty. SIXTY!

We could count in all the hours leading up to Christmas too, but honestly, that was nothing compared to this week.

I'm pretty glad it's over, truthfully.

The next 24 hours are all mine...and I get to sleep past 6:45...and I don't have to leave the house in -8ยบ weather at 7 am..and I don't have to get into a semi-freezing car because I didn't start it early enough. 


So thankful for the blessings the hours brought me...but also thankful for the full nights sleep I get tonight! Whoo!

xoxo, Ruthanne


  1. You go girl! aha. I hate the cold (and considering -8C is cold for me... -8F sounds ridiculous), I hate early mornings and at times I come close to hating babysitting. You're strong! Now take a breather.

  2. You go girl! Children make me really nervous so I am not sure I could do that much babysitting. It might make me lose my mind.
