
nanny diaries: episode 1


I'm pretty sure if I were suddenly given custody of a child right now, I'd know how to take care of them better than their parents would.

I have done so.much.babysitting. this past week. Omg.

The reason I haven't posted the giveaway winner yet is because I'm pretty much a zombie. Basically.

Last night I had just about the craziest night of my life....are you ready? 

By the way, because I'm so zombie like, I'm semi-delusional, and because I'm semi-delusional, I'm going to be really dramatic about this. 

nanny diaries: episode 1

It's 6:47 pm; the two fourteen month old girls are in their beds, sound asleep. T is watching a movie on mom's macbook and here I am, trying to get G down to sleep.

He's crying and fussing, and so not digging this whole "it's time to go to bed thing."

I finally say, "G, we need to go to sleep. You have a big day tomorrow and you need your rest."

I'm sure in his little head he was thinking to himself, "what is it with big people and thinking that tomorrow is going to be big? I think all tomorrow's are the same size."

But nonetheless. His thoughts were portrayed something like throwing a fit, coughing, and throwing up.


I ask him to get up and go wash his hands while I rinse his blankets out. I lean over the balcony, and ask my friend Erika to keep T downstairs while I clean up the mess. She's rocking 10 week old baby M and as soon as we finish our exchange, all the fire alarms in the house go off. 

G looks at me, terrified. I tell him it's okay, and I bring him downstairs. Erika and I are trying to keep our cool. We get T to sit at the stairs by the door with G, too. I wake the girls, J and P, and bring them downstairs. There's a burning smell, but no fire, anywhere. We call the parents - all 6 of them. Finally, an answer. We call the gatehouse of the sub division we're watching the kids in.

We wait by the door, and try to figure out what the heck is going on. Finally, after 15 minutes and G and T crying, scared, the alarms go off as suddenly as they came.

Erika and I look at each other with relief.

"Were you scared?" she asks me.

"duh. Scariest moment I've ever had babysitting."

I then get the girls and put them back to bed, one at a time; J first. I put P down, and go up to check on J, and she's pooped...literally. So I change her diaper while she drifts off.

I go back downstairs and throw G's blankets in the dryer...put on a movie for the boys, and get myself a bowl of javachip ice cream. 


Finally, G's blankets are dry...I put him to bed. And just as he's about to fall asleep, mom and dad get home, and we're back to square one with the bedtime routine.

I can honestly say, I don't think I've ever felt like I earned my money like I did last night. 


xoxo, Ruthanne

Oh, yeah, and the winner is miss Jamie Dawn..I sent you an email, dear! congrats to you!

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