
inspirational blogger award

Well today is simply lovely! I have been given a cute little award from Melissa over at Contemporary Dancing for being an inspirational blogger! who knew!

So, here is the way it works. I am going to post 7 random facts about myself, a bit about my favorite hobby, and then list 10 of my top most inspirational bloggers. Ready? GO!

1.) I love to deep sea fish. I get so much joy from it! My dad and I have made it kinda "our" thing. It's the greatest! Last year I spent 8 days on a boat fishing for tuna (yellowfin, yellowtail, albacore && bluefin) 200 miles offshore and over 500 miles south of San Diego. Fun fun!

2.) I am terrible at math. I really am. It's terrible.

3.) I prefer thrift stores to retail stores. I also don't see what's so great about JCP or Kohls..I mean really?

4.) I have an obsession with Nancy Drew computer games by HeRInteractive. I have met some of my best friends on the message boards for the games. However I haven't played a game since January, nor have I been on the boards for more than 5 minutes in at least a year.

5.) I own a faux "engagement" ring from Forever21. Why? Cause I have a one year old sister and people frequently mistake me as her mother. So I figure it's better to look like I'm married and a momma than just another unwed mother...it's amazing how many people actually take me more seriously with it on too. I mean really.

6.) I love the word "fantastic". It's simply fantastic. I think it's even greater a word than great. Because I love that word too.

7.) I have a problem with bath and body works' lipglosses. I own at least 7 or 8. My friends always know where to go for lipgloss. It's kind of pathetic.

My favorite hobby is definitely music and under that sewing! My favorite food would have to be steak or sushi - I know, two different things. ;) haha and my favorite color? Pink...I know. don't judge. That or turquoise, or mossy green! <3 And vintage yellow..pretty much any muted-vintagey-color :)

so BAM! There we have it! Hope you enjoyed that little thing :) here are my top ten inspirational bloggers:

Lauren at Busy Bee Lauren - I simply adore her blog and her. She is too sweet and so very real.

Mandy over at Miss Indie - So inspiring!! Love her blog so very much! :)

CaLea from [im]perfect - I just think she is the greatest. and completely adorable!

Rach on So, hi. - what a fantastic girl! Teenager, down to earth, loves fashion..she's fabulous!

Kirsten over at Kinder Words - she has twin boys and is just too cute!!! <3

Lauren from The Perfect Pear - isn't she just adorable? I love her DIYs :)

Kate from Kismet & Kate - confession? I followed her on Twitter forever, and read her blog forever, and have loved her forever. that is all <3

Elsie over at A Beautiful Mess - I simply die every time I read her blog. It is so very amazing.

Katie from Skunkboy Designs - I love her outfits and her style! and she's a redhead too ;) hehehehe :)

Katie at Lovely Lady - she's a dear friend of mine and quite lovely indeed :)

Now that is all :) I hope you enjoy those blogs - I adore all of them so much!

Here is the blog button for your blog! <3 have a lovely day, darlings!

Grab the award!


  1. dear Ruthanne! :) thanks so much, this totally made my day! you're adorable!
    xo, Lauren

  2. Congrats girlie!! You deserve it!

  3. Thanks doll! I really needed this to brighten up my day a bit :)

  4. Awwww you're welcome! You deserved it! I totally love your blog!!

  5. your blog is great. you listed some awesome blogs, many of which i follow too!

  6. Just found your blog through FTLOB and I am smitten. You and your blog are adorable and I'm so excited to keep following along! :)



  7. Ruthanne, how sweet are you!? I adore you and am glad we are finally chatting. I love knowing you.
