
weekday wanderings: no such thing.

a rainy day doing school in the home theater.

 hot cocoa and rainy days.

silly weather.

 yummy chips and veggies.

out-fit for fall.


artichoke toast.

pretty colors. 

these are in no order whatsoever. I missed last weeks weekday wanderings post cause I was lazy...bummer. anyway. where I live, there is no such thing as "four seasons." I couldn't tell you of one time that we actually had fall start when it should. or winter come when it does for the rest of the world. or have it not be snowing on Easter. there is no such thing as four seasons here. last week it snowed four inches. this week it rained. and today and yesterday have been gorgeous and warm and sunny. what's the deal with that? I don't know. It's just how it's always been here. And honestly? I love it.

sorry for the missed post last week...I was so busy! I'll have lots of pretty picture for you tomorrow though, I'm going to pick apples with my family ♥

happy autumn! 


  1. What a wonderful peek into your life. Beautiful photos.Hugs and have a happy weekend Katherine

  2. This is a lovely post. Ruthanne lover of vintage, wearer of western and singer of songs, I enjoyed my visit to your sweet blog. Hugs

  3. that artichoke toast looks delicious!! YUM! Our weather here in Arizona is inconsistant as well. One day it's 90 degrees outside the next it's 75. For the most part can't really complain because i hate the cold and i'm glad the "fall season" really hasn't hit us yet. ;)

    (found your blog through comment love day. :)

  4. Visiting from comment love Sunday. These pictures are great. And I'm impressed with your food choices - healthy options I'd never in a million years choose for myself.

  5. Love your photos. Where are you from? It sounds way too familiar lol. Sending you some comment love after being linked from FTLOB. keep on keepin on. x

  6. Bailey - I'm from a small town in northern California!

    Thank you all for stopping by :)
