
pumpkin spice latte.

so many glorious things come along with the word "autumn". cool, brisk, gorgeous days. If you live in a place like I do, where pine needles fall and not leaves, it means the pine needles covering the parking lots; layering the blacktop with a slippery random design. It means yummy beverages and wonderful colors. Adorable clothes and more opportunities to wear...cowboy boots! And other boots in general, of course. But that's beside the point.

one of my favorite parts of Autumn is the yummy pumpkin, spice, and apple treats that tend to come my way. But you see, where I live (it's a bit ridiculous, actually), we are supposed to be getting snow this week. Yes, snow. But that's another blog post for another time. Trust me.

Today, however, I made a yummy pumpkin latte and just had to share some photos of it's deliciousness!

happy fall! ♥

xo, ruthanne

1 comment:

  1. It looks so delicious! Ive never tried this, I guess here in Mexico its not that common, but I really want to try it someday!

    Have a lovely day(:

    Carmila Ponycat
