
vintage inspired thank you notes

So my birthday was like what, three weeks ago? almost a month ago?! oh. yeah. I'm a procrastinator. Majorly. But, I don't like sending 'just average' thank you notes. no. I want the person receiving my note to know that I put thought and care into the card that I sent them, thanking them for whatever it is they gave me, or did for me.

I recently came up with this genius adorable thank you note card. It is so cute, sweet, simple, and one sided so you don't have to have all that awkward empty space left over! Ah, I love it. The text says "some things never go out of style, just like saying thank you, so let me be cordial, and extend my gratitude." super cute, I think! Here are two of my favorites:

Maybe sometime soon I'll do a DIY for these, they are so simple and cute! I used Klutz's Paper Fashions stencils for it...I went through an obsessive "paper fashion" phase. Seriously. It was obsessive. I have the notebooks of sketches and designs and outfits and allllll that to prove it. you don't want to see it.

Also, how long does it normally take you to get your thank you notes out? Are you really uptight about it? Or do you just kinda go "When they get them, they get them..."? I always take at least 2 weeks, but that's cause I'm just naturally a procrastinator. ;) ask my daddy...bahahaha.

have a great day, loves! ♥

xo, Ruthanne


  1. .....I have graduation thank you notes that still have not been put in the mail. That was over 4 months ago. It's not my fault though. Mom keeps not buying stamps.

  2. Those are absolutely adorable. I'd love to receive one and they'd make the late note seem less awful :). I try to send my thank you notes out right away. The sooner I do it the more likely I am to actually do it, in all honesty.
