
guest post: chelsea leigh of happy bow lucky

hello, beautiful readers!!
i'm chelsea! :)
and i blog over @ happy bow lucky!
(i'm the one on the right!) ;)
first of all, i just want to thank Ruthanne for asking me to guest post for her!
she is one of the sweetest people i have met in the blog world...
and i love her so!
we are very blessed to have such a beautiful soul to gain wisdom & insight from!
thanks again, lady!
have fun on your trip.
praying for safe travels for you!
now...to the guest post.
i talk about myself on my blog ALL THE TIME.
so, today, i am going to tell you all about my relationship.
...with my handsome MAN.
his name is Justin.
yes, he really is that gorgeous.
he is my fiance.
and i love him DEARLY.
we started "dating" when i was 13...
and he was *pause* 17!
(i know. i know)
we never could hang out alone, though.
we were always with friends or family.
and we never went on a first official date until i was 17. :)
(daddy's rules)
and it was all so worth it.
(just babies!^^^)
justin & i did not have the perfect relationship right from the get go.
we have never claimed to.
we argued all the time.
we fought.
he was no mr. perfect.
and i was no princess.
we became sexually active. (still remained virgins, by God's grace!)
but we lost a LOT of our childhood & innocence.
we broke up 2 different times...
which totaled 5 months away from each other.
it was the hardest thing we've ever done,
but it was so needed.
we were immature.
we were young.
and all we wanted was each other.
i hate admitting this...
and it hurts me to do so.
i feel very guilty.
but i want to be bare & open before you.
when i was dating Justin, he came before the Lord.
he came before spending time in prayer.
he came before worship.
he came before listening to Christ's voice.
he came before reading the Word.
he came before it all.
he was my world.
and Jesus was in 2nd place. :(
(i know. i'm such an awful person!)
but during those times apart, we sought Jesus so radically.
(even though i had another guy in my life - again, i know)
we dove into the Word.
we spent every morning & night frantically searching the Scriptures.
because we couldn't get enough.
that is when Jesus became more to me.
He meant so much more to me than Justin did.
and i never thought that was possible.
Jesus became my Best Friend.
my Love.
and my #1 favorite in all the world.
justin & i got back together in the fall of 2010.
we dated & things were miraculously different.
he pursued me.
i respected him.
we didn't fight.
it was as close to perfect as you could get.
and now we are getting married June 23, 2012!
it has been such a long journey, but one that i wouldn't change for the world!
justin & i still don't have it all together.
we argue every now & then (although it's NOTHING like it used to be!)
but we know what love means.
we know we are in this for the long haul.
it's not about feelings.
it's about choice.
it's about choosing to love each other every day of our lives.
and to work hard to keep our relationship healthy.
justin & i have been through more things than you can imagine these past (almost) 6 years.
i got shingles....if that tells you anything. :/
but through it all, i find myself so amazed at the Lord's hand in our relationship.
He only wanted to be 1st in both of our lives.
that is all.
and even though we had to take some MAJORLY tough roads to get there,
we are both happy & excited for the next stage in our lives....
praise the Lord. hallelujah.
so... i just want to encourage you guys...
if you are on a tough road right now.
or if you are facing something difficult that there seems to be no way out of...
turn to Jesus.
He alone is the answer.
not your MAN.
not your best friend.
not chocolate.
not anything, but Him alone.
run to Him.
and when you arrive...
seek His face like never before.
your answer will come.
and i promise you it will be so worth it.
thanks again for letting me guest post, love!
i enjoyed it so much!!
and if you guys want to stop by my blog - that would be AWESOME!
be sure to let me know you are visiting from Ruthanne's blog!
thanks for reading! :)
isn't she adorable? if you do not love this girl with all your heart by now, you need to see a doctor. She has become such a dear friend to me in the month or so I've known her - and I can tell you this - she has such an amazing heart. I just love her soooo much! :) head on over to her blog and show her some love! :)



1 comment:

  1. Such an amazing story girl! So proud of you both for pursuing God and keeping Him first in life. We all know how hard that can be! I'll be one of your newest followers!
