
a letter to my sisters.

this is a post that has been on my heart for a long time. and here it is - just for you girls. 


Dear girls,

I know it's hard - being a girl. Periods, bra shopping, unbalanced hormones, weight worries, I know.

Even better than just being a girl, I know how hard it is being a strong girl. Holding back tears when all you want to do is cry. Saying "it's okay" or "don't worry about it" when it really isn't, and you wish they would.

I know it's hard to handle all the pressure that comes with being a woman in today's society.

The media is telling you, "Be hot. Be sexy. Be tan. Be gorgeous. Be fake. Be like Kim Kardashian and Jessica Simpson."

I know. And I also know it's hard to not want to be those things. Society says "go ahead, you'll feel better about yourself." And that might be true in the moment when a guy whistles at you, or tells you you're gorgeous. It might feel good when you're walking away from someone, and you know they're admiring you from behind. That all feels good then and there.

But it won't later, after you think about what's actually going on in those situations. No boy or man, when staring that intensely at your body, is having clean thoughts.

Remember that the next time you leave the house in that maybe too low-cut top, or those jeans that are a little bit too tight. You're not doing yourself any favor.

Girls; you are precious jewels. You are all, each and every one of you, daughters of the most high King!

You're a princess!! Treat your body accordingly. Don't flaunt what you have just because you can. Don't cover up the masterpiece God made - the masterpiece that is your beautiful face - with ten pounds of foundation. Don't, under any circumstances, let anyone tell you that you "look better" that way.

God didn't mess up when He made your eyes, nose, lips, teeth, ears, or anything. The only reason you feel like you're not pretty enough, is because of how the media and society promotes "beauty" - but it's not the kind of beauty you want.

A verse in the famous 31st chapter of Proverbs says "charm is deceitful, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."

Oh, my dear sisters. How I so desperately wish I could convey this to you better! If I'm being honest with you right here and right now, I have some things I hate about my body - but that I have learned to love because my maker created me with those features - and He calls me beautiful. And you know what?

He calls YOU beautiful too.

There is no substitute for character, integrity, love, honesty, purity, joyfulness.....and there is nothing more beautiful than those things.

If you're feeling lonely, desperate for someone to love you, craving attention - stop, please, my dear, stop.

Go look in the mirror - look yourself square in the eyes - and tell yourself that God did a wonderful job. Tell HIM that He made a beautiful woman.

Ladies, it's hard to be pure, strong, full of integrity. It's hard to be unceasingly joyful, and undoubtedly honest. It's not an easy task.

But if it wasn't so hard, what the heck would we need God for?

So, girls. This letter was for you. Each and every one of you reading. Young, old, married, dating, or single. This letter was for YOU.

You are beautiful without the makeup, without the designer clothes, without the tight dress. You are beautiful because you are a princess. You are God's daughter. You, my dear, are gorgeous for your heart - not your body.

Remember that, forever and always, that you are something special and deserve to be treated as so. Don't ever let any man treat you less than you deserve - because every princess deserves the best.

Sincerely, and with all my love,

Your Sister


  1. This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a wonderful letter Ruthanne! I love this!

  3. This is so sweet. I lead a young women's group at my church and I'm always looking for ways that they can realize how beautiful and amazing they really are. Thanks for sharing!

