
honestly: honest to goodness edition.

think that their 
on YOU is going to make THEM feel better?
what makes someone 
want to make you feel bad about being joyful? 
it's because you are content with your life.
&& that you don't need
 their A P P R O V A L 
to be happy + smile.
m a y b e IT'S b e c a u s e  
w h o · y o u · a r e
B E C A U S E who Y O U are is R E A L.
{ d e f i n e d }
by what O T H E R S think of you
but most of all?
who you are doesn't need 
to make the PEOPLE around YOU feel
so you can feel better about yourself.
you are the best
all there is to it!


I know, this is so stinking long! GAH! I'm incredibly sorry. But I had to do it, and I honestly {ha..ha...no pun intended} love it.

I have been thinking a lot lately on why others need to be rude, mean, hurtful, etc, to other people to be happy. I mean, we've all heard it before, right? "don't let it get to you, that's what they want" or "they're just really, really insecure with themselves." Right? We have all been told {or told someone} that.

Well. It might be the truth. But it doesn't make the words or thing people say and do less hurtful, now does it?

When someone hurts you, your general response is one of two things. To say something or do something hurtful in return, or to let it roll off your back, as my momma says, and move on with life.

If you've been following this blog for even just a few weeks, you know this: I am a verrrrrrrrry enthusiastic person. I am confident. I don't really care if someone thinks I'm weird for being 16 and loving vintage pyrex. I don't really care if someone thinks I smile too much. I don't care if I'm classified as "that homeschooled girl", because the reality of it is that I am all those things.

Yes, I probably smile more than the average person. I have been told I carry myself with confidence. I walk with confidence, and I don't let stuff offend me easily. My laugh probably gets annoying, oh well. I sew my own clothes and am collecting vintage pyrex for my home one day, even though I'm only 16. And I am homeschooled, and I don't rebel against it....I actually love it! Shocking, I know.

I will admit, I can be cynical. I can be condescending. But it's never on purpose, and it's never to try and make someone feel less about themselves.

Believe it or not, the fact that I'm confident and "bubbly" as most people put it, makes a lot of people insecure and uncomfortable around me.

My mom says it's cause I'm "So darn cute and don't do anything to make it happen", but she's my mom, and she's obligated to say stuff like that..haha.

I promise this isn't me being insecure or anything...trust me. This is just me throwing it out there and pondering the subject...

I've never really felt bad about who I am...people have tried to make me feel bad about it for a while, and that's come over in waves of a few days at a time four or five times a year, but that's it really.

I've been taught my entire life that I am God's daughter; His princess. And that He only made ONE of me.

One. Uno. 1.

So then why, on earth, for crying out loud, should I try and be like someone else?

He didn't put me here to be just like everyone else.

He didn't put me here to blend in.


He put me here to do a job, a job that only I can do in a way that only I can do, a job which will utilize my personality and traits and gifts that He has given me!

That statement tends to offend people too. Weird, I know.

So what doesn't make sense, is why do people get all upset about me being "different", and confident, and bubbly, per-say, when that's what all of us are supposed to be?

I guess it's just because we're all human, we all have faults, and we're all in need of the grace of God to save us from ourselves.

Anyway, that's all. I hope I didn't rub anyone wrong with any of that, just being, well...

honest. :)


  1. I'm not too sure how to handle nasty comments. I guess firstly you have to love yourself unconditionally. Its just that society expects us to fit to a mold and do all the usual things. And when we don't do those usual things people find it necessary to be harsh and rude. Its hard not to get squashed into the mold and change to suit everyone elses ideas when it seems like the whole of society is against you. Society wants everyone to be the same. They want us to struggle. They want us to worry. But really we don't need to fit to that mold. We can be ourselves and not hide a thing. I think we all just have to be brave. Its funny that you chose to write about that. Its a bit like the post I scheduled for next week. Oh and I love your honestly posts. P.S I think your pretty awesome. And pretty awesome people like you will come into your life one day. Just be true to you! Haha that kinda rhymes. And the weird people are always the coolest. :D

  2. ohhhh man i love you :) this whole topic has pretty much been my life for the past few years- and you've got such an amazing prespective on it :)

  3. Love this post.. :) I never understood how we can be so mean to each other.
