
six itty bitty things.

First of all. I need to share with you how pretty my new flat iron is. Thank you amazon gift card!!!! It's PINK! AHHHH! And absolutely fantastic. I really recommend it....$30 for a $200 retail value flat iron. BAM.

Secondly, I just ordered these boots from zappos! I've been eyeing them for a while now, and then they went on sale at Zappos for $50 off! Plus my dad's VIP business account with them got me free overnight shipping. Again....BAM.

Thirdly, this is the case I bought for my iPhone. Isn't it gorgeous? the color is so very retro and adorable. Reminds me of the blue on a lot of vintage Pyrex dishes :) And you know me and Pyrex....we just go. 

Fourthly, what are you doing for new years?! My aunt and uncle are coming up with their two kids for two nights, and tomorrow I'm off to a friends for a sleepover :) YIPPIE! :) Ha. I'm hyper right now. Can you tell?

And fifthly.....today is the last day to enter the my memories scrapbook software giveaway!! :) So if you haven't done that yet and have been wanting to....I suggest doing that before midnight, my time :) 

and lastly, but not least.... I want to thank ALL of you so much for being readers of this blog, and for your sweet, sweet comments. I never thought I'd have 15 followers, much less almost sixty! Thank you thank you thank you!

Happy Friday!!!!!!



  1. Presents to yourself are always important! What awesome stuff! Have fun the next couple of days! :)


  2. Ahhh! I love all this stuff! ESPECIALLY that iPhone case...I seriously want that. -janae
