
semi-awkward random question game

I just read this post on Kaycie's blog and had to copy  her, (terrible, I know) and do my own! I love answering random questions...feel free to repost this on your blog, and if ya do, leave me a link!! :)


1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?
My uncle calls me Ruthie, but he's the only one that allowed to call me that in my family, and there are a few exceptions outside of family...some of my closest friends call me that too...my cousin calls me twin, cause we're both redheads and look strikingly alike.... Oh, and outside of my family, I'm called Daisy Mae by all my guy friends. I'll have to share that story sometime...ha...

2. What's a weird habit of yours?
I honestly don't know..ask my best friend? How bout this, I'll ask my best friend and get back to you. Ha...

3. What's a song you secretly LOVE to blast & belt out when you're alone?
Um.....party in the usa. I cannot believe I just admitted to that.........gosh dang it.

4. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
Clicking pens. All the kids in my youth group click their pens allllllll during the sermon, and it drives me nuts. Also....I hate it when I ask my mom something, and she's still looking at her computer or phone (it's always work or school related, I promise she doesn't just sit there haha), but acts like she's listening, then when I ask her a follow up question two minutes late she goes "huuuuuh..?" while she's still looking at the computer. makes me so mad! haha, sorry momma ;)

What's one of your nervous habits?
Don't laugh. But I can "pop" the "knuckle" on my big toe of my right foot using my second biggest toe...I know, I know, absolutely absurdly strange. But I really do it all night until I fall asleep...pop my toe, wiggle my ankle, do it again, repeat....don't judge ;) bahahah. But for some reason I do that when I go to sleep, and when I'm nervous. Also, I yawn a million times when I'm nervous.

6. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
The middle most of the time. I have a queen bed and generally arrange all 12 of my pillows (yes, you read that right, I'm obsessive) to perfection. But sometimes I end up sleeping in the strangest positions. weird.

7. What was your first stuffed animal & it's name?
I never named my first stuffed animal! Shocking, I know. He was always just "my bear"...super cute white fluffy bear :) sooooooo adorable.

8. What's the drink you ALWAYS order at Starbucks?
Java Chip Frap, or Pumpkin Spice Frap. Ironic, cause it's colder than cold where I live over half the year, and I always freeze when I drink it, but hey, whatever.

9. What's the beauty rule you preach.. but never ACTUALLY practice?
Hahahaha I'm so lame when it comes to beauty. I never wash my face, and have never had acne, ever. And what I wear for makeup is pretty pathetic so I have nothing for this one....

10. Which way do you face in the shower?
I walk in circles like Kaycie...hahaha!

11. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'?

12. What's your favorite 'comfort food'/food thats 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways?
Oreos....it's bad, folks.

13. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say?
"that's so fantastic!" "I know, right?" "Y'all" even though I'm not from Texas...darn.

14. Time to sleep - what are you wearing?
Depends on the day....pjs or next to nothing, most of the time.

That was fun, hope you enjoyed reading it! :) Happy Wednesday!!!

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