
the quickest, easiest, and cutest outfit ever.

My brother was being a dork (again) while taking the photos. I couldn't help but crack up. 

Jeans. A long sleeved t-shirt - right now my favorite is white. It's simple and makes any color scarf pop - and then the scarf itself. I personally like to pair it with my cowboy boots and a belt too :) 

My "I'm smiling like I'm warm and happy" face and my "brrrrr" face. All unintentionally captured. Bahaha. 

 My favorite. You'll be impressed after I tell you this though. My brother took this while he was hanging upside down, on our monkey bars, in basketball shorts, a t-shirt, and socks. Skill.

So I'm not much for taking a long time with my clothes or hair or makeup. It helps that I live in a place where pretty much no one does that, but still. On those mornings I wake up 30 minutes late and I'm like, "Shoot, I need to get going...", this is my favorite kind of outfit to throw on during the school year. And for the record, generally, it's scarf weather during my entire school year. Just depends.

And just so we're clear, it was 23 degrees outside at this time. It was also 4 o clock.....and sunny. Talk about cold. 

This week has already been great though. I spent yesterday making my tiny gingerbread house - and then went to our local Safeway and sang carols with my friends for salvation army. Almost everyone who passed told us it was "much better than the bell." and dropped some kind of money in. It was so nice and wonderful.

Today was filled with the wrapping of Christmas presents, rehearsing the song I'm doing for Christmas Eve services, and just breathing. I can feel a lot of changes and redirecting coming up in my life soon, and I'm so excited for it. I know God's going to take me somewhere great in the next couple years. I know He has some crazy big plan for me that I can't even comprehend, and I've just been sitting in awe of that lately. So magnificent. 

Hope you had a wonderful tuesday! :)



  1. So fun :) Glad your carolling went well! and I can't wait to hear about this God-stuff, so exciting :)

  2. caroling, I DO like that better than the bell, what a fantastic idea.
    And on my goodess. 23 degress! What state do you live in?
    We just moved to Nashville this month, we had a day where it was 70 degrees out, and it made me miss home!
    Which is Chicago. Which is now frozen and will thaw out sometime in late march/early april.
    Have fun with that snow, I'll miss it!

  3. you look so cute! :) i love simple-easy outfits.
