
a favorite photo friday

Today......is friday. yes, it is indeed. You know what I love about friday? It's my favorite. That's what I love about it. It's the start of the weekend, I go to an open mic tonight..I just kinda love it. You know? 

Well. I was going through pictures and found one of my all time favorite pictures I've ever taken in my entire existence here on this earth. For reals. And I thought since friday is my favorite day, I should post a favorite picture today...

This photo was taken last summer: I had straight across bangs for a few months, and was just messing around one day. This photo has minimum editing - simple lighting fixes and that's it. I don't know why, but I just kind of love it. A lot. 

Now I have a task for you! If you feel like it, post on your blog one of your favorite photos you've ever taken, tell me why, and leave me a link here in the comments! I would love to see them! 



  1. That is a beautiful picture! :)

  2. Your eyes are stunning! Thanks so much for coming by the blog! Your words were too kind :). Following now :)

  3. Gorgeous! I love your bangs and your eyes!

  4. Stopping by from FTLOB. That is a really cool picture.. you have super pretty eyes and the bangs compliment that well. :)

    Also, love your layout! Simple, but gorgeous.

  5. This is amazing, you are so beautiful. You have been blessed by God, you truly have!
    Melissa, xox

  6. It IS a lovely photo {I used to pray for beautiful blue eyes when I was little, but I have learned to be content with brown.} :)

  7. Oh wow this is awesome! And I love straight across bangs! I had them two times w/in the past few years and want them again but they are such a pain to keep trimmed the right length!!! Thanks for entering my ad space giveaway! :) Also, if you want there is one on my blog for a set of 3 toiletry bags, you should take a look & enter if you want! Also your blog is just darling :)


  8. gorgeous! as always :) One of my faves is of course of ma bebe


    xoxo Jamie!

  9. I can't decide!



