
pumpkinny. monday. rant. you know, the norm.

So.....not to make this awkward or anything, but the last three days I have had the worst cramps of my life. True story. Today they're gone...so that's good...but still. Worst. Cramps. Ever. And I basically never get cramps...so I don't know what the deal was with that....lame. But the activities I participated in this weekend were not so lame...more to come on that tomorrow...muahahaha. And the only reason I'm doing it tomorrow is cause I have a ton of photos to edit...and I hate tuesday, so the awesomness from the photos will override the un-awesomeness of the weekend. okay? good. Glad we got that covered.

Anyway. I'm feeling pumpkinny again. {I just built a new word. Oh yeah, baby. Pumpkinny.}

P U M P K I N N Y.


I decided to do something about it......


This is what I decided to do today...after I take a biology test...and write two essays, and then do more algebra...and laundry...and all that. Oh yeah and then there's worship practice at 4....but yeah. It's happening today. Even if it happens at midnight....or something like that.


That's my monday rant...I feel better now.

What did you do this weekend?

Happy monday! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend, doing whatever it is you did! xoxo


  1. I had a birthday party for the husband. It was fun! :) Hope you are having a great monday sounds like your having a busy monday! :D

  2. I have tried that recipe, and they turned out delicious! Definitely hits that pumpkin spot. :o)


  3. YUM! The cheffy boyfriend is from the NE. The birthplace of the whoopie pie he says. I think he'll love these on our little me and him Thanksgiving this year :) Thanks!
    Visiting from FTLOB.
