
pattern-less dress, made by moi.

So, for the wedding I had nothing to wear..I looked into my closet on thursday, when all the kids were sick, and was so frustrated. So I rummaged in my  fabric supply, found some fabric, and voila, a dress was born. 

I knew what I wanted it to look like - vintage style, full skirt, a very wide boat neck front with a small V in the back, seven buttons down the back. Why seven, I don't know, but I wanted seven and I got it! muahahaha!

I helped set up for the wedding, so I had to get dressed there, therefore not warranting for pictures, and naturally I was kind of exhausted when I got home that evening, so the pictures are less than perfect, since I had to use self time in a corner of my basement which is a play area cause it had the best lighting setup....so ignore the teddy bears and such ;) heheh!

I wore a pair of pale lilac vintage shoes from the late 1940's to the early 1950's that were given to me by my grandma's neighbor, a string of pearls and a pair of pearl earrings. It was such a fun and classy outfit, I can't wait to wear it again! Again - excuse my lack of quality photos. It was late and I was a mess, but I had to get some pictures to show y'all :)

xoxox, ruthanne


  1. What an extremely beautiful dress! You're so talented! I'm jealous haha

  2. such a cute dress! :)

  3. a- you're gorgeous
    b- love your blog,it's lovely
    c- LOVE that i found a fellow homeschooling through highschool gal, it's becoming a rarity ;)
    d- amazing dress. AMAZING
    e- i am proudly "jordyn with a y"- so great to know i'm not the only anne wannabe wandering around ;)

    the end.

  4. Jordyn - you are too too sweet!!! Goodness, thank you so much! I am happy to hear I'm not the only one homeschooling through highschool too....I dislike the fact that there are so few of us! And I approve of the Jordyn with a Y - personally, that's my all time favorite spelling of it. No big deal or anything though ;) hehehe! thank you so much for stopping by <33

  5. Lovely. You did such a great job!!


    PS-- i'm a "homeschool through highschool" gal, too. Didn't know that about you!

  6. The dress is lovely!! You did a fabulous job! Even more so since you didn't have a pattern! :)

  7. Gorgeous! I wish I had your mad sewing skills! I especially like the pretty flowers :D.

  8. that dress is to DIE for! The back of that dress is killing me.
