
the flu. i.e.; the plague.

I'm sitting here, terrified. So incredibly terrified.

Today is my brother's 5th birthday, and guess what he woke up with? The flu. :( yep. The stomach flu no less. Now my baby sister has it too and I'm completely terrified I'm going to get it......NOOOOOOO!!!! 

And you know when you know someone has the flu, you get that feeling in your tummy of "oh crap I'm gonna throw up..."? yeah, that lovely little guy is chillin' in my tummy right now...NOT stoked at all.....

So. In my attempt to avoid the flu like it's the plague, I have found some really cool things on the interwebs.....observe.

wedding couple old couchvintage wedding decor books camera letters farm

I'm in love. this couple is gorgeous and it is just simply divine. Wow.
Dark Chocolate Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting
Must. Make. Soon.

I love this jacket. End of story.

The cutest ensemble ever. it's purple...and adorable. AH!

To Kill a Mockingbird iPhone case

Look at this case! I am so in love! I may be getting an iPhone soon, and I have to tell you, this is in my top 10 favorite cases!!

The Great Gatsby iPhone case

But I love this one too :) I actually enjoyed reading the great gatsby; in a bittersweet kind of way. Hmm...

That's the end of my wandering the web while avoiding the plague. ha..we'll see if it worked....

Thursday morning edit:

Look at these cases too....gosh. I'm obsessed!

Legit, right? AHHH!

Old School Rules iPhone Case in Soundbite

This one is from ModCloth....So awesome!

This one is from Case-Mate by Jessica Swift. So me.

Coca Cola Machine Vintage iPhone 4 Case Cover
And how do you not think this is awesome????? Seriously.

Tardis iPhone 4 Case - Doctor Who Tardis   - Iphone 4 Case Cover

This is for you, Lauren...I think you would totally need this if you ever got an iPhone. Legit.

Apple iPhone 4 Case - Star Wars R2D2 Droid  - Iphone 4 S Case Cover

ahahahahah I WANT THIS :D so great.

Apple iPhone 4 Case - Leica M8 Camera - Iphone 4 S Case Cover

SO cool...I love the camera ones. AH!

Okay. I'm done now. For reals.....


  1. hope you dont get the flu!

    love those iphone cases!

  2. I am the same way. Hahha! I love that lavender dress!
