
a wedding.

Oh, weddings. I love weddings.

Minus the fact that they make me want to get married...

But that's beside the point.

Sunday was the wedding of two of my very dear friends - Courtney and Russ. It was a beautiful, gorgeous, amazing wedding. Filled with God and absolutely darling. I was so excited that I got to go - originally I was going to be out of town, so had to decline the invite, but the weather changed that, and so I last minute called Court and asked if she still had room for me to be there - I was so happy she did! I didn't take any pictures - but I thought I would post the ones from their photographer's Flickr.

 Aren't they a beautiful couple!? I love you Russ and Courtney - and was so blessed to be able to share in the celebrating of your marriage! ♥


  1. What a gorgeous wedding! Looks like she'd be freezing with all that snow everywhere! ;)

  2. such a beautiful wedding.. lovely pictures! :)

  3. Kassi - it wasn't too bad, actually! It did end up snowing later that night though. Gorgeous all the same though!

  4. Wow beautiful wedding! Just found your blog from sloanbook, and now I'm following you! If you have a minute to check out my blog, I would appreciate it!
    The Allred Abode
