
a few new faves

I've come across a few blogs lately that I have just fallen in love with. MAN. They are so cute! And I just had to share them with you. But what's even better? They were all discovered via Instagram. BOOOOOOYAHHHHHHH! (ahem....sorry...kim possible reference. I'm done now....)

First is miss Tabatha's blog. Wanna know something funny? She liked one of my photos on instagram - I looked at her page, liked her pics, and followed her....then I saw that she had a blog...and it was called "oh so cute vintage".....UM. Hellllllllllo, I just had to check it out. Soooo, I did. And I love it. Go check it out, she's adorable.. -OH SO CUTE VINTAGE-

Now we have Rachel of Smile and Wave...oh my dear me. How did I not see her blog before this either? I may or may not have stalked her instagrams and then discovered that she has a blog too....she's so cute! And her kids? OH my WORD. Must read. SMILE AND WAVE

Lastly, but most definitely not least, is Beth of Odd Girl Out...? blog - her blog is so cute, and inspiring. She has four (adorable) kiddos, and is a lover of all things vintage. You must check her blog out - she is really just too cute. ODD GIRL OUT...?

And that's all for now, friends! I must get going and study for my permit test...cause I'm going in to take it again today...and praying that I don't fail. MEH. I'm so lame. Hahaha....kay. I'm out!


(can you tell I'm only *slightly* hyper today? yeah. that's an understatement.) 

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