
that awkward moment......

Remember this post? Where I posted all of the awkward moments of the past few however long it was? Well. It was a hit, in my opinion (and incredibly fun to do), so I decided to do it again! Ready? here. we. go....

that awkward moment...
when you and your best friend are catching up because you haven't talked in foreverrrrr, and of course the topic of boys comes up, and you mention this guy is acting like he may like you, and she goes, "HA. I doubt it."
when you realize you're an awful friend because you still haven't mailed two of your best friend's christmas and birthday presents. and it's been a month. yeah.
when you're trying to set up the wireless connection on one of your dad's old laptops, and somehow, by doing so, end up disconnecting every other wireless device in the house...i.e.; iphones, ipods, the kindle, wii, blu ray player, laptops, etc....
when you tell the kids at youth group, repeatedly, that they aren't allowed to use the coffee machine by themselves, and that they have to pay for their coffee...and you walk in and they use the lame excuse of "i pre-paid last week, and no one was here so I had to do it." haha. I don't buy that stuff....
when you're recording music up at your friend's apartment, and their roommate comes out and makes chocolate milk and says "oh don't mind me being weird and all. I know it's not normal for grown men to drink chocolate milk in a wonder woman glass." ummm....no one said anything about that.....
when you're throwing a mini-fit in the morning because none of your jeans fit - not because they're too small, no, but because they're too big, because you're one of the .01% of people who LOST weight between thanksgiving and new years, and hasn't gained it back....
when your little brother's 15 year old best friend is basically in love with you and asks you to do everything with him and your brother. and then your brother says out loud "dude. she's not that great. get over it." in front of both of you. poor guy.
when you introduce yourself to a new junior high aged kid at youth group, and say "hi, my name's ruthanne! I'm one of the leaders here, if you need anything let me know!" and he says "oh...hi...thanks..." and walks away.
when you finish recording the second verse of "hallelujah" by leonard cohen up at your friends' place, and right when they hit the stop button, one of them jumps off the counter and yells "YEAH BABY! WHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" hahahaha...um....

SOOOO....I hope you enjoyed this :) It was super fun to do again....and I hope it gave y'all a laugh :)

happy thursday!


  1. Loovveeed it. Made me laugh! So relatable haha

  2. hahaha this is great :) as for #1? yeah, the same exact thing happened to me last night at church- extremely awkawarddd

  3. Hahah such a cute post! I'll have to keep it in mind!
