

I was tagged by miss Bailey J this weekend! Eep! So. Cause I'm all for fun and fun for all....I'm gonna doooooo it....
  1. why is your favorite color your favorite color? Teal and Pink and Green - and I have NO idea. Really.
  2. have you ever been in trouble with the law? Never!
  3. if you could go one place in the entire world for one week, free of charge, where would you go? The British Virgin Islands again...mannnnn.
  4. if you could take one person with you, who would it be? My best friend...
  5. if there was one disease you could cure (that doesn't already have one, clearly) what would it be? why? The disease of lust....not even kidding here folks. It's a disease men have and I want it goooooooone.
  6. what is your guilty pleasure? Watching the country music channel's version of "the bachelor". There. I said it.
  7. what is your least favorite acronym or.. whatever those things are called? (ie : wtf, btw, lol, lmfao, ftw) All of them....blech.
  8. would you rather have 12 toes or a hugeee nose? Toes!
  9. who was your favorite backstreet boy? Before my time, yo.....haha.
  10. what is the one electronic device you wouldn't miss at all? :O Bailey, you are asking a lot of me here, chicka....um....I don't know....
  11. if i want to be your lover, do i gotta get with your friends? not sure how I'm 'sposed to answer that......
Now here's the 11 random things about myself
  1. I hate the animation they used for The Polar Express, the Adventures of Tintin, and A Christmas Carol. It freaks me out.
  2. I secretly wish I could play the tuba. Seriously.
  3. The other night I had a dream that I married my 27 year old youth leader. I was grossed out. But honestly if it ever happened I obviously wouldn't have a problem with it.
  4. My best friend is 5 feet 11 inches. That's nine inches taller than me.
  5. I hate writing my name because I hate the way the "r" looks. Bleh.
  6. One of my closest guy friends has had a severe crush on me for six years. Everyone thinks we're going to get married.
  7. I never planned on being a worship leader, and never would have put myself into that field of ministry.
  8. I hate turtlenecks. Period.
  9. My mother wanted to name me Clementine. Like the orange. My dad didn't like that. Thank goodness.
  10. I am thought to be the mother of at least one of my siblings on a weekly basis. Last week someone thought I bore Laura, Jesse, and Addy. I laughed then rebuked them, which in turn embarrassed them and caused them to apologize all the time. I told the gal it was all good. 
  11. I hate wearing skinny jeans. SO MUCH. 
That was fun :-) Now I get to tag 11 more people and pick their questions!
  1. Lauren of Tastes Like Love! She and her blog are the cutest!
  2. Katie - of Lovely Lady
  3. Miss Chelsea over at Happy Bow Lucky
  4. My dear friend Kate at Dream Sailor
  5. Mckenzie Jean over at Basil. Love this lady!
  6. Ashley of Sloanbook - she's so darling!
  7. Kaycie at Redhead Memories. Oh yeah baby - love her blog.
  8. Britney of Lemonwood and Honey
  9. My new friend, Michaela, at Typewriter Keys
  10. Kelly of OohVelocityGirl. She's too sweet.
  11. Beka boo! One of my best friends in the whole wide world! :) 
  12. And Jordyn...You know who you are. I want the answers in my inbox asap, miss.I had to add you too. 
Okay. here are the rules:
1. post these rules.
2. you must post 11 random things yourself.
3. answer the ques­tions the tag­ger set for you in their post.
4. cre­ate 11 new ques­tions for the peo­ple you tag to answer.
5. go to their blog and tell them that you've tagged them.
6. no stuff in the tag­ging sec­tion about ‘you are tagged if you are read­ing this.’ blah blah blah, you legit­i­mately have to tag 11 people!

Here's the Q's for the people I tagged:

  1. Where is your favorite place to shop?
  2. Anne of Green Gables or Narnia? 
  3. When was the last time you cleaned your shower?
  4. Did you ever have an American Girl doll?
  5. You're stranded on an island. What's the first thing you do?
  6. Unicorn or Hippo?
  7. When was the last time you went to the bathroom?
  8. What's your favorite time of day? - i.e.; 9:17 am (my favorite)
  9. What is your favorite season?
  10. Favorite cut of jeans?
  11. When was the last time you ate ice cream?
Enjoy! :-)


  1. Hahah the last one is a spice girls reference so if the backstreet boys are from before your time maybe the spice girls are too. i didnt think i was that old to like bands that were from before other bloggers time. i was mislead! aha

  2. Aww, thank you sweet girl! I'll find time for this. :)

  3. Hey Ruthanne! Thanks ever so much for tagging me! I just did it. Hop on over to my blog to see the answers! I also posted a pic of you. If you want me to take it down just let me know. :D
